Wednesday, October 2, 2024

How the Trump Years Have Helped Me Become Less Partisan

I've been interested in politics for a long time. My first vote was for a Republican. For most of my adult years, I considered myself a Republican. I thought President Obama and then Biden were going to turn us into a socialist country. Looking back, I was too partisan. Go Team Red!

That's not the case anymore. I don't think I'm on any team anymore. What happened? Donald Trump. I've never been fond of him. I find him abrasive and he's all over the place policy-wise. Populism is not my thing. So it really took me back to when the Republican Party asked me to ignore his huge character flaws and lack of strong principles to win elections. I couldn't do it.

I soon became party-less because I didn't align with the Democrat Party platform either. However, I noticed several things that happened when I let go of party identification. 

I noticed how partisan our media are (both conservative and traditional outlets). It is so evident how each side pushes its narratives to win the news cycle. I am embarrassed to say I often ignored how conservative media are just as bad at disseminating untrue narratives so they can win until they were trying to push on me a candidate that I had no desire to support. I have watched very little Fox News in the past decade. It made my stomach turn when I tuned into their 2016 election coverage to be bombarded by their "commentators" telling me that Trump's behavior wasn't a big deal. Really, it's not a big deal to tell a Vietnam POW he prefers his veterans not to be captured? His comments and behavior towards women isn't a big deal? His behavior has only gotten worse since then.

I also found myself way less tribal or partisan. I didn't have a side so I wasn't so invested. It's truly hard to be offended by someone's political opinion when you think both sides are absolutely full of it. It was freeing not to have side.  I saw the hacks for what they were. I never used to listen to left-leaning podcasts but occasionally do now. I still feel my political beliefs are pretty right-leaning but don't automatically dismiss someone's political opinion because they are left of center.

I learned that community and culture matters. Very little of what happens in politics truly matters. What happens in your home, community, and family matters soooooo much more. Stay focused on the stuff that matters, not petty and ridiculous political matters. Let Cesaer be. 

Sadly, it took such a divisive figure for me to lose my partisanship. 

Happy 2024 Election!

Thursday, July 4, 2024

American Flash

So those who are last now will be first then, and those who are first will be last.” "Here it is again, the Great Reversal: many of the first ending up last, and the last first." So the last shall be first, and the first last. -Matthew 20:16

As a Christian something has always sat uneasy with me about American culture. The way our sports and entertainment events are absolute spectacles with bombast and flash. 

Political campaigns now last two years with rallies, televised debates, dramatic campaign ads and flashy conventions. Politicians who promise the world and spend billions to do so. We even have one presidential candidate who sounds like a WWE wrestler (I will let you guess which one). 

This bombast has even infested our religious life. We have megachurches with smoke machines and flashy lights. 

I don’t think this is healthy and gives an outsized sense of importance on things that are not. It’s not reflective of a society that’s modest and humble. In fact, I think it might be affecting things like actually do matter like our marriage rate, for example. While the decrease in marriage rates is multi-causal I don’t think the expectation of a lavish wedding is helping. 

I was listening to a presentation about the election of 1896 and how McKinley just ran a simple front porch campaign and won. That’s not an America that’s recognizable to me. 

Humility and modesty are Christian principles. I would like to see more of it. 

Saturday, June 22, 2024


Relax. Rest your bones.
Sabbath is here. Silence your phones.

Quench your soul’s thirst with His Word.
I will swim in your endless fjords.

No thoughts of work or labor.
Your peace I savor.

Time stands still when I’m in your presence.
Honor Him and He will be bless us. 

Monday, May 20, 2024


Still is all You wanted me to be. 
Realness comes with a subscription fee.

Sanity disturbs those hooked to depravity.
An anxious mind has a hard time seeing anything other than catastrophe.

Peace is not something you march for but fight for.
Appeasing monsters always leaves them feigning for more.

There is no wisdom in crowds.
They’re just mobs advocating for their sacred cows.

Revival in this land.        
In firm ground I stand.

Friday, April 19, 2024

Last Will Be First

Maybe we all are made to have an ache that will never cease.
From burdens we can never be free.

Despair doesn’t discriminate between rich or poor.
We all have pain than can leave us on the floor.

Even so, count the victories when they occur.
In anguish we can not stir.

Hope even when it hurts.
Eventually the last will be first.

Tuesday, April 16, 2024


Born defective.
Made to feel like my life is elective.

The Creator’s hands must have been tired when he mold me.
Wounds so deep, I wonder if I will ever be all I can be.

Small and insignificant in the world’s eyes.
They will always choose beauty over blight.

Dilemmas, dilemmas. 
Do I share all my flaws only to be ostracized? 
Or do I hide only to never be fully known?
I am torn apart but I want to be sown.

Lord, stitch me back together.
I want to be your treasure.

Friday, July 7, 2023

Progressives Vote Against Their Economic Interests

In his 2004 book "What's the Matter with Kansas?”, Thomas Frank argued conservatives vote against their economic interests. In 2023, I would argue progressive voters are doing what progressives have long claimed conservatives are doing - voting against their economic interests. I have an interesting news article and an informative video filled with data that both caught my attention and solidifies my point.

Young voters are a hallmark of the Democrat base. According to this Time article, Gen Z is a large reason why the red wave didn't occur in 2022.  Homeownership is a signifier of the American dream and economic security. Guess where Gen Zers are able to buy homes? Red states. The most popular metros for Gen Z homebuyers are Salt Lake City, Oklahoma City and Birmingham, according to Lending Tree.

A question I think progressives should be asking themselves is why are red states seeing a net migration of minorities? What economic policies are red states enacting that are drawing people from all backgrounds? Texas has consistently topped the list for most Latino net migration, best opportunity markets, and producing the greatest number of new Latino homeowners, according to Housing WireBetween 2020 and 2022, Texas saw a net gain of nearly 150,000 Latino residents. Something else that caught my eye this week is this video detailing the cities with the highest percentage of net migration of Black Americans and the vast majority (a couple of exceptions) of the cities listed are located in red states.

Progressives should be pondering if their economic policies help young people and minorities.

Saturday, August 27, 2022

We Need to Stop Treating Secularism as a Neutral Value System

There seems to be an underlying belief in American society that secularism is a neutral value system. Public displays of religiosity are taboo but promotion of all things irreligious are applauded. Being irreligious is just as much a value system as being religious. A truly neutral society wouldn't take sides between religion or the irreligious. 

A good example of this is in our school system. Prayer is forbidden but secular humanism is not a problem to teach students. It's a belief system just like Christianity, Judaism, Islam and any another religion but because our society views the irreligious as neutral, it's not an issue.

Another place where this is seen is in the abortion debate. Many pro-choicers seem to think they have the reasoned argument simply because they make specious secular arguments and pro-lifers sometimes use religious arguments (although they fail to recognize not every pro-lifer is religious).   They think because they're secular it means they're "neutral", never mind their secularism has a belief system that isn't neutral.

Secularism isn't neutral. It's a value system. It's a system of ethics. Secularism has a set of beliefs. Its adherents can be zealous. Let's stop treating secularism as neutral.

Saturday, June 11, 2022

Oliva Rodrigo's Song 'Drivers License' is Anti-Environment

Vehicles are wrecking our environment. A typical passenger vehicle emits about 4.6 metric tons of carbon dioxide per year! This is devastating. It is a blessing that people are driving less because of high gas prices. Gas prices have FINALLY reached a national average of $5. This is terrific. We must now learn to wean off oil to, uh, other stuff. 

This is why I'm horrified by Oliva Rodrigo's 2021 song and she must be canceled. Here are some of the disturbing lyrics with commentary:

I got my driver's license last week
Just like we always talked about
'Cause you were so excited for me
To finally drive up to your house
But today I drove through the suburbs

Cryin' 'cause you weren't around
She drove by the SUBURBS. OMG! They're so car-dependent. Why didn't she date a guy in a walkable city? She has bad taste in men.
Red lights, stop signs
I still see your face in the white cars, front yards
Can't drive past the places we used to go to
And what's up with her always driving in her videos? How dare she! She needs a bike.

"White cars, front yards" again the idealization of the suburban lifestyle with their cars and watered yards. We should NOT be encouraging driving. This is unacceptable from a pop star. Olivia Rodrigo must apologize for this. Do not buy her music anymore.

Friday, June 10, 2022

Places to Visit in Alabama for Hikers and Explorers

This autumn it will be two years since I've moved to Alabama from Texas. It's been fun exploring a state I had no previous experience with. I have discovered a very green state with some nice landscapes with mountains, waterfalls, covered bridges, caves, and beaches. I thought I would share some hiking spots and some other worthwhile places (including some places I intend to visit). recently aggregated a list of the best hiking cities in the country, and Huntsville was the first Southeast city (outside of Florida) on it.


Cheaha State Park

The highest elevation in Alabama and is part of the Appalachian mountain range

Walls of Jericho

Oak Mountain State Park 

Red Mountain Park

Ebenezer Swamp Trail

Covered Bridges

Kymulga Covered Bridge in Childersburg 

Swann Bridge in Blount County


I live a few hours from the coast so I will be honest haven't spent too much time there but I did enjoy some time Gulf Shores State Park

Other Notable Places

Stephen's Cave Gap

The charming town of Wetumpka (Dubbed the "City of Natural Beauty" and featured on HGTV's Hometown Takeover) 

Excited to explore more of this state!