I wrote this for my future husband. Writing this gave me hope
To My Soul mate,
I love you dearly. You are my best friend. I love the man of God you
are. I love your heart for God. I cherish seeing you continually grow in
your faith. You have such a servant's heart. You never cease to
amaze me. I've never met a more good-natured person than you.
You are a man of great character.
You know your priorities. You put God first. I love sitting
beside you at church. I love reading the Bible with you.
I love praying with you. I know I can trust you with my heart.
You are a wonderful protector and provider for our family.
I feel safe with you. Your unselfishness does not go unnoticed.
Our deep friendship took a while to take root but it's sturdy and
strong. Nothing of value in life is easy or quick. I pray for you
Neither of us are perfect human beings. Thanks for giving
me room to mess up sometimes and forgiving me.
You are so funny. We have inside jokes that only you and I get.
You lift my spirits.
I waited so long for a man like you. The heartaches, rejection,
lonely nights and tears were all worth it in the end. I found
you. You were worth the wait.