Tuesday, July 30, 2013
GOP's Hispanic and Youth Outreach Should Coincide
There has been much talk about how the Republican Party can
better outreach to Hispanics since President Obama
trounced Mitt Romney with Hispanics in the last presidential
election. However, I think the GOP's Hispanic outreach
problems are related to another major issue it has: youth
The Hispanic population is young. If the GOP can manage
to make improvements with the youth vote, I believe we
will see gains with Hispanics. The last two Republican
presidential campaigns were lackluster when it came to
youth outreach. Republicans are still running campaigns
like it is 1980. Most of the youth of today don't even
remember 1980's. Enough of the Reagan talk in GOP
debates, please? It dates us. While President Obama was
talking about moving forward and change, the GOP candidates
were talking about going back to Reagan's policies.
There are going to be issues where it will be difficult to
communicate with young voters, for example, social issues.
Young voters are socially liberal and I really don't want
to see the Republican Party become socially liberal. But
Republicans can be more tactful in the way they talk about
these issues. And there is one socially liberal issue were young
voters aren't so enthusiastic: abortion.
But there is one issue that Republicans need to be pounding
the Dems with in regards to the youth vote: jobs. The youth
unemployment rate is horrific. And policies like Obamacare
aren't helping. There is a message to young voters there but
I haven't seen Republicans effectively make it.
I do like that all the buzzed about prospective 2016 candidates
are young and fresh. Marco Rubio, Rand Paul and Chris
Christie are all under 55, which will be quite a contrast to
Hillary Clinton if she runs. Mitt Romney and John McCain
were both over 65. It will refreshing to having a presidential
candidate who actually knows a few rap songs and isn't
talking about ABBA.
I will be realistic here. I don't think the GOP will make
huge gains with young or Hispanic voters but small inroads
can make all the difference.