Saturday, August 30, 2014

30 Days of Gratefulness (Day 5)

Do not worry. Learn to pray about everything.
Give  thanks to God as you ask Him for what 
you need.
- Philippians 4:6

I'm learning to start my prayers in thanksgiving. How can I ask
anything from my Heavenly Father when I don't even thank
Him for what he has already done? How do I expect to be bless 
beyond belief when I don't even appreciate what I have?

So here'e another thing I'm learning about gratefulness: You
can't be grateful if you are constantly comparing yourself to
others. In this social media world we see our friends and
acquaintances post happy photos and updates on Facebook
or Instagram. 
And for a moment we can think........."Why
can't I have 
what they have?" or "Why can't be more like
that?" Honestly, 
what you are looking at is a snippet of
someone's life. Not their whole life.  
You don't know
what they have been through or what they are going

So today I am grateful:
1) the rain that occurred this week. We needed it.
2) my singleness. I spent time by myself today 
and I felt so much peace.
3) music. It is so soothing to the soul.