Thursday, June 7, 2007

Quarterlife Crisis

It’s great to be in your early twenties!
You are young and still legally considered an adult.
This might seem like a carefree and ideal time of life,
but that is not what many twentysomethings are revealing.
The early twenties are awkward years filled with uncertainty
and difficult life lessons to learn. Many of life’s huge questions
are still unanswered. My generation has named this transition
into adulthood “quarterlife crisis.”

Twentysomethings see their high school or college buddies making
big changes, such as moving across country or getting married, and
wonder if they are making the right decisions in life. The uncertainty
that results from constant changes can cause anxiety and frustration.
As a 25-year-old, I can relate to the feeling of questioning and doubting
the choices I’m currently making in my professional and personal life.
Continue reading here

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