Thursday, September 27, 2007

Top Science-Faith Myths

(Via Scibel at

I try to go to for the daily Bible verse
they display and found this interesting list. I'm a big fan
of lists myself. Here are the top science-faith myths:

1. Myth: "Until Darwin, Christians took the Bible literally."

2. Myth: "You can't be a real Christian and accept evolution." -
This page has an interesting definition of "fundamentalists."

3. Myth: "Few great scientists throughout history have been
true Christians.
" - I guess atheists can claim that some of
the people listed lived during strict religious time, for example the
Middle Ages, having no choice but to believe. Really debunking this
myth is a moot point to me.

4. Myth: "In the days Christopher Columbus, everyone thought the
world was flat.
"- Apparantly, some people are still not sure if the
Earth is round. Sorry, I know that is mean of me. Ms. Shephard
cleared it and said it was just "on of those senior brain poopy moments."

5. Myth: "Eventually, science will explain everything." - Pftt. Science
can't even explain why I'm such a weirdo. Or can it?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey did you see that Scibel just put a video on Youtube? I thought i was pretty original: