Wednesday, March 26, 2008

My Candidate Wins or Else!!!

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I just don't get it. Why would someone vote for a politician that doesn't hold their
views just because their preferred candidate didn't win? It baffles me:
A sizable number of Hillary Clinton supporters may break ranks to back
John McCain in November should Barack Obama capture the Democratic
nomination, a new Gallup poll suggests.

According to the just-released poll, 28 percent of Clinton's supporters would
back McCain should the New York senator lose her quest for the Democratic

That compares to the 19 percent of Obama supporters who say they will
favor McCain should Clinton be the party’s nominee.
Sen. Clinton and Sen. Obama are so similar policy wise. During the debates they argued
over minute details that they differed in. I don't understand why Democratic voters are
willing to jump to my side of the aisle when it's a much smaller ideological leap to support
the person who wins the Democratic nomination. Don't get me wrong I hope the
Republican party warmly welcomes these dissatisfied voters.

Has the battle for the Democratic presidential nomination been so gruesome their supporters
are now bitter?

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