Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Hey, Did You Know Hillary is Like Bush?

It appears my continued series, "Hey, Did You Know McCain is Like Bush,"
has turned into "Hey, Did You Know Hillary is Like Bush." Last night The
Daily Show turned a photo of Hillary Clinton into George Bush and then put
demon eyes on him:

Never mind that they are at the opposite ends of the political spectrum, to an
ultra-liberal like Jon Stewart that doesn't matter. She talks tough so she must
be a war-loving Republican. But remember this show has no agenda.

Exit question: Has anyone seen an episode of The Daily Show where they put
demon eyes on Bin Laden? Just wondering.


powermadrecluse said...

Hey, I actually liked this piece. Granted I think the daily show is too negative, but Stewart is actually right about a lot of this stuff. She is like Bush. Pandering in a folksy accent and pushing an idea that doesn't make sense. (Also the Peanuts special would be nice.)

Teresa said...

Of course anyone to the right of MoveOn.org is just like Bush.