Thursday, June 26, 2008

Welcome to the Center, Sen. Obama

Sen. Obama is moving towards the center as the general election begins. In the
past two days he's disagreed with the liberal justices on the D.C. handgun ban case and
also yesterday's ruling over the death penalty case. It's probably OK for him to
disagree with a Supreme Court ruling (as he did yesterday) because the public
perception of the government branch is on the decline, according to a Rasmussen
. Also, he doesn't want the return of the 'Fairness Doctrine.' He now supports
the FISA bill. Kane writes, "This marks something of a reversal of Obama's position
from an earlier version of the bill..."

I'm glad he's drawing away from the liberal activists. I doubt they would be upset
for too long. They want to win.

Update: Here's video of Obama supporting the D.C. handgun case in February:

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