McCain's campaign manager, was comparing Sen. Obama to a "celebrity" in
an interview done today. Here's the video:
I think the ad might be on to something. Just take a look at a Obamas' Web site
right now. They are running a contest (I don't know what else to call) to be
selected to go 'Backstage with Barack' if you donate. That sounds somewhat like
a rock star to me, no?

And if you think it's only Sen. Obama doing this type celebrity type gimmicks,
he's not. Just take a look at Hillary's Web site:

To be fair, I think I've received an email from the John McCain campaign
to the affect of if you donate you'll have an opportunity to get on the Straight
Talk Express bus and meet John McCain also.
Maybe if presidential candidates don't like being compared to celebrities, they
should stop doing gimmicky things to raise money. At least on Britney Spears'
Web site she's not asking me for money for an opportunity to meet her (at least,
not yet).