Monday, July 7, 2008

Don't Wake McCain Up, He's California Dreaming

The AP has an article about the McCain camp dreaming that they have a chance in

For evidence of an opening, McCain supporters point to Gov. Arnold
Schwarzenegger, a Republican with moderate social views, celebrity
credentials and a business-friendly outlook who is in his second term.
They see McCain as sharing some of his traits — a willingness to work
across party lines, a green streak on the environment and centrist
appeal. But Schwarzenegger supports abortion rights, as does the other
statewide Republican officeholder, Insurance Commissioner Steve

The article gives extensive and good reasons why it might be wasteful to campaign
in the Golden State. California has become a Democratic stronghold and it will
be hard for him win. I say he should at least give it a shot and he's not spending
too much resources there. Virginia and Georgia usually go to Republicans but Sen.
Obama is trying to be competitive there.

Folks, one thing I learned from all those hours watching Saturday morning kids shows
is that it's fun to California Dream:

Ok, since I just finished posting a video that's beachy and fun I'll ask you guys:
Hey, have you been noticing a trend in President Bush's apparel lately?: