Sunday, October 12, 2008

Divided Government

Divided government is one of the strongest argument McCain has. From
Patrick Ruffini

And McCain should start explicitly making the argument for
divided government, with him as the only hope of preserving
it. This is unlikely to be a voting issue at the Presidential level,
but we need to get the idea percolating that we are about to elect
Obama with unchecked, unlimited power. Power corrupts...
absolute power corrupts absolutely, etc.

He needs to continually hit on this point in the next few weeks. Everyone keeps
on talking about President Bush's approval ratings, however, the American
people aren't exactly ecstatic with the current Congress either. If you haven't noticed
yet Speaker Pelosi and friends haven't gotten much done lately because they are
waiting for a Democratic president who probably won't veto their legislation and
reign them in. Check and balance.