Sunday, February 22, 2009

In all Fairness

I was watching this program on and found it amusing that Mattson
argued that conservatives were attacking mainstream media and "objectivity" in
journalism. And by objectivity, I understood him to mean "truth," as in the way
Arianna Huffington thinks of truth
. Here's a different quote from Mr. Mattson
speaking about :

There is no possibility of objectivity [to conservatives]. There is
only a pluralism of different view points and conservatives justify
their activism to this principle.

He seemed to dismiss the whole idea of bias.

I think it would greatly help liberals to admit that most (not all) mainstream media
slant to the left. I think it sounds ridiculous when I hear people argue that
Fox News doesn't slant to the right. It's obvious to everyone that Fox News
leans to the right. So why do some liberals deny bias in news coverage?

Let me put it this way: A recent poll revealed that 47 percent of Americans don't
want to bring back the Fairness Doctrine to the radio airwaves. Why do you think
the American people put up with such a dominance of conservative talk in AM
radio? Perhaps it's because they have no problem hearing liberal view opinions
on other media outlets. The fact that no liberal could make a documentary like
this should be evidence alone that liberal bias does exist.

If people want to claim that conservatives cry "Bias!" too often, they might have
a point. But to deny that it even exists takes some sort of chutzpah.