Wednesday, October 2, 2024

How the Trump Years Have Helped Me Become Less Partisan

I've been interested in politics for a long time. My first vote was for a Republican. For most of my adult years, I considered myself a Republican. I thought President Obama and then Biden were going to turn us into a socialist country. Looking back, I was too partisan. Go Team Red!

That's not the case anymore. I don't think I'm on any team anymore. What happened? Donald Trump. I've never been fond of him. I find him abrasive and he's all over the place policy-wise. Populism is not my thing. So it really took me back to when the Republican Party asked me to ignore his huge character flaws and lack of strong principles to win elections. I couldn't do it.

I soon became party-less because I didn't align with the Democrat Party platform either. However, I noticed several things that happened when I let go of party identification. 

I noticed how partisan our media are (both conservative and traditional outlets). It is so evident how each side pushes its narratives to win the news cycle. I am embarrassed to say I often ignored how conservative media are just as bad at disseminating untrue narratives so they can win until they were trying to push on me a candidate that I had no desire to support. I have watched very little Fox News in the past decade. It made my stomach turn when I tuned into their 2016 election coverage to be bombarded by their "commentators" telling me that Trump's behavior wasn't a big deal. Really, it's not a big deal to tell a Vietnam POW he prefers his veterans not to be captured? His comments and behavior towards women isn't a big deal? His behavior has only gotten worse since then.

I also found myself way less tribal or partisan. I didn't have a side so I wasn't so invested. It's truly hard to be offended by someone's political opinion when you think both sides are absolutely full of it. It was freeing not to have side.  I saw the hacks for what they were. I never used to listen to left-leaning podcasts but occasionally do now. I still feel my political beliefs are pretty right-leaning but don't automatically dismiss someone's political opinion because they are left of center.

I learned that community and culture matters. Very little of what happens in politics truly matters. What happens in your home, community, and family matters soooooo much more. Stay focused on the stuff that matters, not petty and ridiculous political matters. Let Cesaer be. 

Sadly, it took such a divisive figure for me to lose my partisanship. 

Happy 2024 Election!