Saturday, April 14, 2007

Bill Maher attacks my graduate school

Last night Bill Maher attacked the school where I did
my graduate studies, Regent University, on his show
Real Time. You can watch the video here or here.
there is
some profanity. Although I did not attend the law school,
I can attest to the fact that the students of Regent study
hard and read more than "just one book." Why he would attack
young people who are trying to get an education I have no idea.
If you do not agree with Pat Robertson (he is outspoken) that is
fine but don't demean college students that are sacrificing
so much.

Maher goes on television every week spewing hateful comments
about Christians. I submit to you he knows absolutely nothing
about the people he is after because if he did he probably would not
have such venomous words. Because I think I am a compassionate
and caring person who doesn't deserve a tongue lashing from someone
who isn't. By the way who gave him a Ph. D in deciding who's smart and
who's not?

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