Sunday, January 13, 2008

Hillary Clinton on 'Meet the Press'

It's absolutely amazing how the Clinton's can spin a bad decision into looking
like a good one. In her interview on "Meet the Press" she managed to turn
her non-support for the surge as "a big factor" for the reason why it's working.
Here's what she said about the surge:
The point of the surge was to quickly move the Iraqi government
and Iraqi people. That is only now beginning to happen, and I believe
in large measure because the Iraqi government, they watch us, they
listen to us. I know very well that they follow everything that I say.
And my commitment to begin withdrawing our troops in January of
2009 is a big factor, as it is with Senator Obama, Senator Edwards,
those of us on the Democratic side. It is a big factor in pushing the Iraqi
government to finally do what they should have been doing all along.
I've said before the Democratic leaders do deserve some credit at making
the Bush administration take a second look at their Iraq strategy, however,
most (including Hillary Clinton) weren't supportive of the General Petraeus
surge plans. I think most or if not all of the credit goes to our military leaders
and the American people for expressing their frustrations about Iraq. I don't
think Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, or John Edwards played any factor in
the success the surge has had so far. Of course, Sen. Clinton somehow spins
everything as a good thing for her.

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