Monday, January 28, 2008

Looking towards Super Tuesday

Sen. Barack Obama won big this Saturday in South Carolina but as this Wall
Street Journal article
points out he has a long way to go till Super Tuesday.
As this graph from the article show, Sen. Hillary Clinton leads in some key

Obama did a get an endorsement today from Sen. Ted Kennedy so maybe
that will help close the gap in places like Massachusetts. This article might
explain why Mrs. Clinton is doing well in those states. It's about organization.

If you look at Obama's campaign events from his Web site he's not going to
these big states in the next few days:

He is doing well in Kansas, Missouri, and Colorado so he's probably
campaigning there to ensure a win. However, I wonder if he should
be in some of those bigger states trying to catch up with her. I can see
why he put emphasis on winning early and big for momentum. But if
this election has dispelled anything is the myth of momentum. However,
let's see what happens next Tuesday. We might just be surprised.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It'll be very interesting to see the poll numbers this week after the Kennedy endorsements and the win in SC.