Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Can Man Live Without God?

I like to post some quotes from what I'm reading every once a while. I just started
reading, "Can Man Live Without God?" So here are some of the more thought-
provoking passages I've caught so far:
  • Much of what has passed for the Christian message has been nothing
    more than frothy God-talk - mindless, thoughtless, and its exploitation
    of people, heartless.
  • For the Middle Eastern world of Islam, truth has been "revealed";
    for the Far Eastern world of Hinduism and Buddhism, truth is
    "intuitive"; for the Western world is "reasoned"; and for the secularized
    Western man, his own happiness is paramount. How does one reason
    against intuition, revelation, and personal happiness when each comes
    with proportionate passion and conviction?
  • Malcolm Muggeridge, that peripatetic journalist who traveled the globe
    for more than six decades his life, said that if God is dead somebody else
    is going to have to take His place. It will either be megalomania or
    erotomania, the drive for power or the drive for pleasure, the clenched
    fist or the phallus, Hitler or Hugh Hefner.

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