Saturday, April 19, 2008

Clinton, Obama complain about complaining

No, you complained before me:
Democratic presidential rivals Hillary Rodham Clinton and Barack
Obama are complaining about which candidate is the biggest

The issue is their treatment in debates. Obama is objecting to the
questions posed this week in one moderated by ABC News. Many
of the toughest questions were targeted at Obama, the front-runner
for the nomination, and he's said too much time was spent on political
divisions instead of issues that matter to Americans.

Clinton said Friday that if Obama thinks the debate was tough, it
pales in comparison to the pressures a president faces.

"I'm with Harry Truman on this — if you can't stand the heat
get out of the kitchen," she told voters while campaigning in
Pennsylvania. "Just speaking for myself, I am very comfortable
in the kitchen."

But it wasn't so long ago that Clinton was the front-runner
and complaining about her treatment in debates. After a debate
last fall, her campaign compiled clips of her being targeted, and
called it the "Politics of Pile On." In late February, Clinton
complained that she always got asked the first question.
My goodness, liberals complaining about the way the media is treating them.
The ironies in this campaign are glorious.

Meanwhile, the press has continually shown disdain (sometimes fairly and
sometimes unfairly) for President Bush and I have not heard him complain
about being treated unfairly. Dick Cheney even joked recently about the
media doesn't like him at the Correspondent's dinner to a surprising receptive
press (I guess it's evidence that he'll be leaving soon):

So, if you're going to be in politics just expect that you're naturally going to get
good and bad press but don't complain about it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


It was obvious as one would watch the 'coverage' of the war that all of the cable news networks were working for the Bush Regime. The ONLY place we as Americans could attempt to gather some truth was through C-Span, Huff, Democracy Now and a few other sites which would show all of the networks to be actually misleading America. Now, with as simple a tool as Google, Americans can find out information that the networks won't give. Hillary's secret religion (cult) known as 'The Family' is a D.C. based group of the richest folks in America who 'pray to Jesus for the elite to rule the world' . The fact that there has been absolutely no mention of her cult leads one to believe that the higher-ups at the networks (and other big corporations) are a part of 'The Family'.....and the plan to rule the world. I know.... it sounds far fetched. You can find a great list of links regarding 'The Family' at Truthtellers like Huffington, The Nation, Mother Jones and others have all done recent stories about 'The Family'....but where's CNN, MSNBC, Fox or the gang. They all know that there's an internet rumbling going on right now about this cult. mention. Do the research yourselves....Google: 'Hillary The Family'or 'The Fellowship'....or 'The Christian Mafia'....once you'll see that it is not only scary....BUT IT MUST BE STOPPED !!!!!!!!!!!!!! LEARN/SHARE !!!!!

(A Multi-Racial Organization Dedicated to Truth)