Friday, April 10, 2009

Young College Students Are Asking For Financial Pain, J-School Enrollment Booms

As someone is struggled to find a career in the newspaper business the past
few years I need to write the following. Why, oh, why would so many young
people be enrolling in journalism school? They are asking for a world of hurt
and financial pain. First of all, I can tell these new students wouldn't make
good journalists since they aren't reading all the headlines about how several
newspapers and television news networks are cutting jobs left and right. You
might be thinking: Well there is always a career cable news, that's still highly
profitable? Sure if you want to be the next Keith Olbermann or Bill O'Reilly
then go for it. Practice your foaming at the mouth.

If you want a long career I say get a job in the public sector. Oh wait....
never mind.