Sunday, June 7, 2009

The Constitution is Old, My Peeps

I've come to believe that people in my age group and younger do not have respect
for the principles that have made our country great. We are taking for granted the
philosophies that have made the United States of America a beacon of light in a
dark world.

One economic principle that has made America great is capitalism. From
a Rasmussen poll about capitalism
Adults under 30 are essentially evenly divided: 37% prefer capitalism,
33% socialism, and 30% are undecided.
People my age have grown up in economic system that has brought great
prosperity, why such a large number want us to change to socialism or
are undecided about the issue is nonsensical. This reminds of a conversation
of someone on FriendFeed who basically told me that capitalism is old so
we need something new. The one commenter wrote to me:

um but times change and it would be kinda sorta scary if our country
was stagnant and mirrored the 1700's.... =\ -
So we should get rid of capitalism because it so 1700s! What young
people don't realize that getting rid of the system that made them grow up
in such prosperity is guaranteeing that their children won't grow up with
the same opportunities. The freedoms and choices we grew up with won't be

Another issue that I think shows great disrespect to the founding principles
that have built this country is judicial activism. It tells our founders: I know
better than you! I read this comment on YouTube video and I think it embodies
judicial activism:

the debatebale question (and real issue here) is:
Should you take the laws written down centuries ago take literally
or can you also take part in forming the laws and maybe better them?

or simpler:
Which is the highest good: The written law or the american

So since our laws (which I'm guessing he means our Constitution) were written
centuries ago it should not be take "literally." Amazing! Let's get rid of that old,
pesky First or Second Amendment! I happen to believe the principles laid down
in our Constitution are timeless and I don't want mess around with it. And when
looking at the law a judge is not suppose to look for the "highest good," they are
to look at the law, let society work out the rest. How does one judge
know what the "highest good" is? One can not honestly argue that people of both
sides of controversial issues like abortion or gay marriage don't think they have
the "highest good" on their side? They would both argue that their positions are
for the public good. Also, do not mistake what I'm saying: I'm not saying
reforms to our Constitution should never take place. What I am saying they should
be done by the appropriate means (i.e. amendments or the legislative process).

The absolute arrogance of some in my generation to simply dismiss capitalism
and the United States Constitution as aged notions that are not be taken
seriously. Reform is not a bad thing. However, we shouldn't reform for the sake
of reform. That is where we are at.

Update: I'm watching BookTV and listening to Barbara Ehrenreich bemoaning
that capitalism still exists, much to her chagrin. She is complaining about
"free-market fundamentalism." Have you noticed that people that have traditional
beliefs are named fundamentalist by leftists? If someone believes in free-market
capitalism they are a "fundamentalist." If someone believes in the traditional
Christian theology they are a Christian "fundamentalist." Why aren't people that
want a complete overhaul of our economic system frequently called "radicals"?