Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Special Relationship

After years of whining from the Left about the "special
relationship" between Presdient George W. Bush
and Tony Blair, HBO has decided to do a movie about the
"special relationship" between Tony Blair and.......Bill Clinton.
Say what?!?

Remember when the Left posted stuff like this on YouTube:

The Comedy Central show "Lil' Bush" even portrayed Blair
as having a crush on Bush. From Wikipedia:
Lil' Tony Blair, voiced by Dave B. Mitchell; an effeminate
British boy who is on the same cheerleading squad as Lil'
George. The two become friends, much to the consternation
of both boys' families (Tony's mother is portrayed as the
Queen). Barbara Bush uses "being British" as a euphemism
for homosexuality, and she is alarmed at the possibility of
Lil' George "applying for dual citizenship" and "driving on
the wrong side of the road".
So I guess when Tony Blair was a friend to George Bush there
was obviously some hidden ulterior motive but his friendship
with Bill Clinton was pure awesomeness! Got it!

HBO also has a poll asking, "Which of the following partnerships have
had the most impact on foreign policy?" The three options are:
Churchill/Roosevelt, Thatcher/Reagan, and Blair/Clinton. I didn't
even know the Blair/Clinton partnership had any sort of impact
but to even compare it to Churchill and Roosevelt is pure comedy.
