Sunday, October 17, 2021

Closed on Sunday

I'm a capitalist. I support business. That's why what I'm about to say might be
confusing. The American family is in disrepair. American culture is on the decline. We need stronger families. I think there is a small and Biblical thing we can do to strengthen families: Take back the Sabbath.

The Sabbath is for rest.  A time for reflection. A time to spend with family before the busy weeks begin. We've let business and commerce take our Sabbath. I would like to see way more businesses close on Sunday like Chick-fil-A. In fact, some European countries already do this.

While I support capitalism, I have always been wary of overconsumption in American society. The excess is concerning. Perhaps, taking back Sabbath would be a small step in getting priorities right.

The Sabbath should be a time of rest and reflection. A time to worship God. Not a time for business. I support business and commerce but I support families more.