Friday, July 27, 2007

Headlines 07-27-07

Wow! Is it just me or have the past couple of weeks been slow
news weeks. Well here are some headlines:

Young people 'Just Say No' to Republican Party- This is really
not a surprise. Young folk tend to be more progressive and want to
change things and that is the rhetoric the Democratic Party is
dishing out right now. I wonder if they will still vote the same
when they get a big mortgage and have a couple of kids? Just
a thought.
A minimum wage increase to $9.50?- Please let's finally raise
it! Enough already.
Michael Vick sacked by Nike, Reebok-"Nike suspended its lucrative
contract with Michael Vick on Friday, while Reebok took the
unprecedented step of stopping sales of his No. 7 jersey."
Republicans may not attend CNN/Youtube debate- This might
have something to do with my first link. There is no good and
logical reason not to participate in the debate.

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