Wednesday, September 19, 2007

First Believed

Everyone needs a passion to get them up in the morning
and to find some meaning. I'm passionate about many things.

I'm passionate about God.
I'm passionate about family.
I'm passionate about caring about others.
I'm passionate about writing.
I'm passionate about current events.
I'm passionate about my (or shall I say 'our') country.
I'm passionate about thinking.

I have the tendency to obsess on the negative things in my
life. I'm learning to focus on the positives. I've notice
recently that the preaching style that largely appeals is often
encouraging messages. I suspect it appeals to others also.
It is like a breathe of fresh air to be reminded that we
worthy of God's love and have purpose even when most of us
already know that. Isn't funny how sometimes we need to told
the obvious. I think we inundate ourselves with different
messages that we forget the most simplest things.

I know I over analyze and rationalize my faith. There's nothing
wrong with thinking things through. It's when I'm constantly
evaluating every minute point for my reason for believing is
where it gets dreary. Sometimes I just need to go back to the
reasons of why I first believed.

P.S. I will make my devotional book available to buy
on Amazon shortly. (Just joking)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"I'm learning to focus on the positives."

Well then, I'm positive your blog is a really nice one.

I've got to learn to start clicking on the pretty blue links more often. Well done.

Professor Blather