Sunday, September 7, 2008


First, I wanted to let everyone know why I haven't been blogging the
past few days. I've had some shoulder pain the last three days and
I'm not able to type for long periods. I'm feeling a little better today.
I'm thanking God.

However, I did want to write something up real quick. I did watch
Governor Palin and Sen. McCain's convention speeches. Gov. Palin
did a good job of energizing the party. Sen. McCain speech started
off slow but I thought it ended well.

Also, I found this interview Sen. Obama interesting:

Apparently, Obama believes that the Sarah Palin pick proves how beholden
McCain is to the right-wing of his party. Funny how Democrats loved Sen. McCain
because he wasn't afraid to be critical of President Bush until he starting running
for president.. I find that interesting. Sen. Obama do me a favor and ask Sen. Hillary
Clinton if the Democratic Party is beholden to the left-wing of the party. I think you
might find her comments interesting.