Showing posts with label Palin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Palin. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Kathleen Parker Wins a Pulitzer, Sarah Palin Makes $12 Million

I don't know about you but I rather have Sarah Palin's
$12 million
than Parkers' Pulitzer.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Palin Working On Second Book

Apparently Sarah Palin is working on another book. It is currently
untitled. My guess this will not be the title:

Presidential Decision-making and the Future of American Foreign
Policy and Diplomacy in the Middle East: The Way Forward in
Iraq and Afghanistan

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

John Ziegler: Palin Not Heading Towards A Path That Leads to the Presidency

Like I wrote the other day: She's becoming a political celebrity
and not a real contender. But maybe she doesn't want to become
a contender for 2012, which is plausible. And now even the guy
who won my poll as Palin's biggest fan boy agrees:

Palin: The Mainstream Media Is Quite Broken

Last night on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, Sarah Palin
declared the mainstream media broken. I agree. Transcript
via Newsbusters:

SARAH PALIN: It's kind of full circle for me. I studied
journalism. My college degree there in communications.
And now I am back there wanting to build some trust
back in our media. I think that the mainstream
media is quite broken.
And I think that there needs
to be the
fairness, the balance in there. That's why I joined Fox.

[ Cheers and
applause ]

LENO: Oh, fair and balanced.

PALIN: Fair and balanced, yes. You know because,
Jay, those years ago that I studied journalism,
it was all about the who, what, when, where and
It was not so much the opinion interjected in hard
news stories. So, I would like to see, well, in order to build
trust in the media because it is a corner stone of our
democracy, Americans deserve to have more of that
factual fairness.

LENO: You know, I watch, I'm always amazed -- [ applause ]
I think it's fair to say MSNBC, a lot of people feel has one opinion
and Fox has another opinion. But you know what it is, I watch
both. I mean, I switch around. And I like to get all sides of
all stories.

[ Applause ]

I mean, I'm always amazed that people feel, "Oh, you only want --"
if you like -- I just don't watch what I like. I like to watch
what other people like just to get a feel for it.

PALIN: That is healthy and that's helpful. As long as there is
not the opinion under the guise of hard news story
though. I think that there needs to be clear differentiation.

Leno and Palin hit on many of the big issues facing our media. One is
that people are becoming partisan in their media habits. Mr. Leno says,
"I don't watch what I like. I like to watch what other people like other
people like just to get a feel for it." Too many are getting their news
from outlets that confirm their perspective and not challenge it.

Another issue that is touched on is the lack of differentiation between
opinion and hard news. When a network has a television pundit like
Keith Olbermann doing election night coverage, it's a problem.

So what do you think: Is the mainstream broken? And if so, how shall
it be fixed?

Video of the interview:

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Mitt Romney Speaks Out Against the "Temptations of Populism"

Well said Gov. Romney:
LEXINGTON - As Mitt Romney sets out this week to promote
his new book, “No Apology,’’ he is also auditioning for a rapidly
disappearing role in American politics: a politician who is
speaking out against the “temptations of populism.’’

“The populism I’m referring to is, if you will, demonizing
certain members of society: going after businesspeople,
going after Wall Street, going after people who are highly
educated, people who are CEOs,’’ Romney said in an
interview. “That kind of ‘All of our problems are due to
that group’ is something that is unproductive.’’

The former Massachusetts governor and highly successful
businessman says his critique of populist politics applies to
both President Obama, who is battling bankers over Wall
Street rules, and Republican leaders who have courted the
“tea party’’ movement by turning their anger on corporate
leaders along with government.
This is basically a critique of Gov. Sarah Palin. She's always talking
about those Washington "elitists." To me it is a form of class warfare,
which I absolutely detest. Eventhough the Republican primary for
president is years away it looks like it maybe already shaking up.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

You've Come a Long Way, Maybe

Here is an interesting discussion about the role of women in
American politics. I know I will be putting this book on my
"to read" list.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Sarah Palin: Political Celebrity

Sarah Palin will be a guest on The Tonight Show on March 2nd.
If she is considering running for president in 2012 she should be
appearing on Meet the Press and not Jay Leno. She has the
political celebrity part locked down. She needs to show her policy
chops. She's been in the national political scene for almost two
years now and she hasn't done Meet the Press. Why?

Since resigning as Governor of Alaska, she's appeared on Oprah
and Fox News, considered friendly territory. She hasn't walked
into unfriendly territory and that does not look good.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

More Feminist Than the Feminist

It must be frustrating to liberals that strong conservative women like
Sarah Palin are entering the political arena because why else would they
write stuff like this? Liberals want to portray conservatives as sexists.
Since Sarah Palin is in no way sexist, how else can they label her a sexist?
Well call her traditional Christian beliefs sexist!

Premise: Sarah Palin is a self-proclaimed, far-right conservative,
Christian fundamentalist, which connotes a literal interpretation of
the Bible.

She cherry-picks to make her message more palatable
to the public and ducks the subservient role of women her church
believes in.

Too bad the media who interview Sarah Palin don't know their
Bibles and the fundamentalist theology Palin says she lives by. If
they did, Palin would have to answer the following questions based
on the fact that according to her own church's beliefs, she shouldn't
even be in politics.
First of all, Palin is not a Christian fundamentalist. I've never heard say
anything that would put her in the fundamentalist category. I have never
heard her say she takes the literal view of the Bible. It's kinda like when
the liberals labeled George W. Bush a Christian fundamentalist even
though he believes all faiths lead to heaven (not a traditional Christian
view), believes in evolution, and isn't a regular churchgoer. WHAT A

Mr. Schaeffer points to 1 Corinthians 11 as proof she's not being obedient
to "sexist" Biblical scriptures. Apparently he didn't read the whole chapter.
The chapter is about women covering their heads during prayer:

But every woman who has her head uncovered while praying or prophesying
disgraces her head, for she is one and the same as the woman whose head is

6 For if a woman does not cover her head, let her also have her hair cut off;
but if it is disgraceful for a woman to have her hair cut off or her head shaved,
let her cover her head.

7 For a man ought not to have his head covered, since he is the image and
glory of God; but the woman is the glory of man.

8 For man does not originate from woman, but woman from man;

9 for indeed man was not created for the woman's sake, but woman for
the man's sake.

10 Therefore the woman ought to have a symbol of authority on her head,
because of the angels.

11 However, in the Lord, neither is woman independent of man, nor
man independent of woman.

12 For as the woman originates from the man, so also the man has his
birth through the woman; and all things originate from God.

13 Judge for yourselves: is it proper for a woman to pray to God
with her
head uncovered?
Does Schaeffer know of any American Christian woman that covers her head
while praying? No. Here's the thing: Christians are wise enough to take into
cultural and historical considerations when reading scriptures. Head covering
during Biblical times was the norm. It isn't now. Things change. Here's
something else he forget to mention: In the same chapter where it says men
should be the head of women it also says neither isn't "independent" of each
other. My understanding of that is that each depend on each other and need
each other. None is better than the other.

And to his scriptures about submissiveness there is this response I found:

The difficulty with understanding Paul’s command to wives to “be
subject” to their own husbands is that our grasp of the meaning of
the word “submit” is too narrow. Generally speaking, we think that
the word “submit” is synonymous with the word “obey.” We are
inclined to restrict submission to refer only to our response to those
who are in authority over us. Very often, this is the case—but not
always. Paul’s instruction in verse 21 is directed to every believer.
Christians, without exception, are to “be subject to one another,”
without any exceptions. Submission, then, must not only work
“upward” (in terms of authority), but also downward.
Submission doesn't mean not having a mind of your own and just being
obedient. Speaking of obedience....isn't funny how he is shocked to find
that Sarah Palin isn't obedient to her church. What a sexist!

Every weekend I go to church it is full of women. There is often times
more women at the service than men. Having traditional Christian values
doesn't mean you're a sexist. Having politically conservative values doesn't
mean you're a sexist either.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Poll: Who Is Sarah Palin's Biggest Fan Boy?

Monday, February 8, 2010


Since the lefty media is having a conniption over Sarah Palin using her
palm to write down notes. I have a more scandalous Palin headlines:


Sunday, November 29, 2009


If I read another catty article like this about Sarah Palin I'm gonna barf.

That’s because this goes deeper than politics. If life is like high
school, then today’s educated, ambitious women, on both sides
of the aisle, are the student-council presidents and the members
of the debate team — taught that if they work hard and sacrifice
something along the way, their smarts will be rewarded.

This makes Sarah Palin the head cheerleader. (Though, in reality,
she was the captain of the basketball team.) Pretty and popular, with
no apparent interest in studying, she’s the one who industrious
were tacitly promised would not succeed in the real world.
Whether we voted for Hillary or not, we weren’t about to let Palin breeze
in, with her sexy librarian hair and her peekaboo-toed shoes,
conforming to every winking, air-brained stereotype, and sashay to the
front of the line.

First, I find this article full of drivel and insulting. I doubt a majority of women
dislike Palin because they feel she went into the front of the line because of her
looks. I don't care about what type of shoes she wears or how she fixes her hair.
It's silly, superficial stuff. If we want women to advance in politics political foes
must stop trying to demean women politicians by commenting on their looks.
Hillary Clinton's political foes also made comments about her looks during the

I was listening to an interview with Matthew Continetti, the author of The
Persecution of Sarah Palin
, on the Dennis Prager Show a few weeks ago and
Mr. Prager asked Mr. Continetti, "If she [Palin] were homely looking would
the hatred been as great?" (an odd question by Mr. Prager to begin with) and
Continetti answered "Maybe not, actually." He continued by saying, "More
important than Palin's beauty, which to me is undeniable, are her politics."
I thought Mr. Continetti's point was correct that it is her politics not her looks
that make leftists dislike her so much. However, what threw me off was when
he inserted his little comment about her beauty being undeniable. Comments
like that don't help either. People are not going to take Palin and other women
politicians seriously with pundits constantly making little comments (even positive
ones) about their looks.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Still Hating

I thought I would update a post I did on Gov. Palin hate on Twitter.
Months after the election is done and over with and guess what?
They are still hatin' on Palin:

Maybe it's time get over it already liberals. You won, have some fun.
Stop calling a woman an offensive word.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

What if Gov. Palin Sounded Like This? You Know?

Senate hopeful Caroline Kennedy has been compared to Gov. Palin.
See here and here. So I have ask, how would've the media reacted if
Gov. Palin sounded like this:

Monday, December 8, 2008

Palin to Oprah: It's Nothing Personal

If Gov. Palin wants to salvage her public image after the beating she
received during the campaign, I think she should do a couple of fluff
interviews. Oprah is completely a fluff interview. From CNN:

The governor was invited to appear, she was also invited to
appear on Letterman, Leno, Stephanopoulos, The Daily Show,
she passed on a vast majority of these requests. We’re up to
about 250 requests for interviews and appearances and so on.
It’s worldwide, there’s still a tremendous amount of interest.
It’s nothing personal about Oprah, it’s just that she turned
down the vast majority of these requests ," Bill McAllister
told CNN. McCallister is Governor Palin's Communications
Dircector and Press Secretary.

When asked if he thinks Palin would appear on Oprah at a later
date , McAllister said “I’m not aware that it’s been ruled out.”

I would be interested to see what kind of interview Jon Stewart will do if
Gov. Palin would appear on his show. After mocking her for months, I'm sure
he would do a respectful and light-hearted interview (I think).

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Sarah Palin: The Celebrity?

According to this AP article, it seems Governor Palin is getting some high profile
interview requests:

ANCHORAGE, Alaska – Oprah wants her, and so do Letterman and
Leno. Fresh from her political defeat, Sarah Palin is juggling offers to
write books, appear in films and sit on dozens of interview couches at
a rate that would be astonishing for most Hollywood stars, let alone a
first-term governor.

The failed Republican vice presidential candidate crunched state budget
numbers this week in her 17th-floor office as tumbling oil prices hit
Alaska's revenues. Meanwhile, her staff fielded television requests
seeking the 44-year-old Palin for late-night banter and Sunday morning
Washington policy.

If I were Gov. Palin I would agree to appear on Oprah and Jay Leno. Oprah
would be a softball interview. Questions like, "How do you manage being Governor
and being a mother of five?" Jay Leno would also be a breezy interview. All she
has to do is make a couple of self-deprecating jokes. She should skip Letterman.
He's absolutely rude and obnoxious.

On a related note: It appears Palin is the one favored to run 2012 by conservatives,
according to this Gallup poll. It is too early to tell who will run in 2012.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Dissecting Huffington Post Piece

I haven't read such an offensive and belittling opinion piece like this one in a while so
I thought I would dissect it. It's what apparently what passes as commentary these
days. What else do expect from the Huffington Post? I will go portion by portion dicing
this piece. First portion:

Every parent has done it. "Watch this! She high-fives!" The parent
giggles proudly, "She's a genius!" Well, I hate to burst your bubble,
but they all high-five. Even my dog has learned to high-five. Which
leads me to the obvious....a pit bull can learn to high five.

All we need to know from the first line is that he's comparing Palin to a dog.
She's dumb and can learn anything. Just take note of it for now, it will come
in use later. Ok, next paragraph.

One conservative journalist said that Palin didn't learn the easy way by
going to Harvard, she learned the hard way, on the streets. I guess
if I ever need open-heart surgery I won't go to one of those doctors
who learned the easy way in medical school.

Ok, nothing really objectionable here. He's saying leave some work to the professionals,
which is perfectly fine. Although, politics is nothing like open-heart surgery. I mean
come on Al Franken is running for the U.S. Senate. We have comedians turned serious
"political commentators" like Dennis Miller. It's become more theater than substance.
Let's move on to the next sentence:

I want someone who learned surgical technique on the streets of Wasilla. Conservatives have long sent their sons and daughters to our greatest
universities, but now they've decided to surrender those admirable values
in exchange for pandering to the people they endeavor to inspire.

Really, only Republicans pander? Am I the only has one that notices that Democrats
like Hillary Clinton change their voices when they are in the South? But I digress,
let's continue:

The Republican party's contrived contempt and manufactured mistrust of
intellect is not only counter to what they've always believed, but is terribly
dangerous to the country they claim to put first.

Republicans don't mistrust of "intellect." I want my public servants to have
intellect. However, you shouldn't vote on how much more intellectually superior
one candidate is compared to the other candidate. What is the use of all the intellect
in the world when you agonize and parse every important decision? There are plenty
of geniuses out there, that doesn't mean I want them as my Commander in Chief.
You have to analyze one decision making capabilities. Next sentence:

To indoctrinate a nation to renounce education and intellect is to
shamefully discourage and suppress the very thing that America
has not only historically exalted but needs so desperately right now.

This is just a bold face lie. No one is trying to indoctrinate a nation to renounce
education. In fact conservatives want parents to have more choices (i.e. vouchers)
so they send their children to best available schools. Next sentence:

They talk of competing in the worlds of science and medicine, technology
and economics and yet present us with a presidential candidate who has
repeatedly shown and even admitted that he knows very little about such
things, has repeatedly voted against funding for education, but will repeat
at every opportunity that he is an expert at winning wars, though he's
never actually won one.

Notice he never provides a link to such claims like voting against funding of education.
I've never heard John McCain say he's an expert at winning wars. I've heard him
say he can win the war in Iraq and Afghanistan but that's not the same thing. Again,
it be nice if Mr. Seitzman backed up his statements. Alright, we will move right along

They talk about teaching our children to compete in the global economy
and international relations and yet they present us with a vice presidential
candidate who has to memorize talking points and cynically condescend
to us with winks and "doggonits" in order to conceal her astounding and
terrifying lack of genuine knowledge.

So simply talking in her folksy Alaskan manner is condescending. I would think if
she had an accent and then tried to conceal with years of voice coaches teaching
her out to get rid of it like they do in Hollywood would be condescending, I guess
that's just me.

Is Sarah Palin really the best and the brightest? Shouldn't a leader inspire
us by example, be curious as well as ambitious, humble as well as formidable,
gracious as well as robust, and learned as well as knowable?

Sure, Mr. Seitzman. However, you are the one that set up the false dichotomies.

Folksy does not have to mean ignorant, regular does not have to mean
ordinary, and earnest does not have to mean frivolous.

Again, that's fine but you need to examine who is setting up this false dichotomy. Let
me refresh your memory with the absolute first response from the Obama team to the
pick of Gov. Palin, "Today, John McCain put the former mayor of a town of 9,000 with
zero foreign policy experience a heartbeat away from the presidency." Mr. Seitzman if
you need help translating this from political speak into regular folk speak, here's the

John McCain picked some small town mayor know nothing as his

This was way before she even slipped up. Team Obama's very response to Gov. Palin
was she's small town potatoes, therefore, she's not qualified. So tell me again who
set up this folksy= ignorant and regular formula. From the looks of it, it wasn't the
presidential campaign that chose to embrace her. Next point:

For an example of this, look at one Joe Biden. To call him a "Washington elitist"
or a typical "east coast politician" is to shamelessly insult the type of American
we like to claim as unique and special to our nation. Ironically, Joe Biden is the
very type of person Sarah Palin aspires to be, a "real American" who tirelessly
works for his country, never forgets where he's from, and constantly looks
forward to where we should be going.

Ok, I'm not going to argue that Biden has't work "tirelessly" for his country. I think
he's a nice and decent man. I do find it ironic that part of the appeal of Barack Obama
in the beginning was that he was new to Washington and not part of the establishment.
Gov. Palin is also new to the national scene and certainly not part of the establishment
but it seems to be negative thing for her but not Obama. Let's progress further into
the article:

Sarah Palin and those like her do not aspire to transcend anything more than
lowered expectations.

Mr. Seitzman, did you read the first line of your article? You compared her to a child and
a dog. Tell me who is setting the "lowered expectations." Is her fault that people like you
set up such vicious memes about Gov. Palin and she goes on national television and
absolutely destroys them? Just a thought. Next two sentences of the article:

Her foresight and ambition only reach as high as she tells you to look. The
terms "Joe Six Pack" and "Hockey Moms of America" are code for the
type of person she assumes won't aspire to anything more than mediocrity.

No, I believe her message is that regular people like hockey moms can aspire to
reach even high levels of our goverment, not mediocrity. Is there a problem with that?
Isn't that what Hollywood liberals been telling us since childhood: Reach for the stars!
Hey, what happened to the "hope" portion of this year's election theme. Next

Last night's debate was a David and Goliath match-up. Not because Joe Biden
is a towering and formidable foe to a less-prepared civilian. Look again and
tell me if you can tell the hero from the monster. Need some help? Goliath is
the one who is condescending, arrogant, sarcastic, combative, insulting,
childish, patronizing, untruthful and divisive. The monster doesn't lead, it
misleads. It doesn't inspire, it frightens. It doesn't protect, it provokes. The
monster is what has dominated us for eight long years. Sarah Palin is just the
brand new model.

So someone who you think is dumb and vacuous is also Goliath. You liberals can
never make your minds! President Bush is dumb but also an evil genius. Geez, pick

So there you go. Instead, of getting angry at such a hateful article, I tried to dissemble

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Twitter Palin Hate

Just a reminder that the left really loves women:

Oh and they really don't have anger problems.

Palin/Biden VP Debate

I thought Gov. Palin did a great job. I hope this calms all her critics.
I think this year will be a win/win for conservatives. If McCain wins,
he wins. If he loses, I think we've a glimmer of hope in Gov. Palin as
a future leader in the party.

Media Hype

Besides what the media is trying to tell you it's not do or die for Gov. Palin
or Team McCain tonight. It's just media hype. Here's the headline from

The blog post even sounds dire:

ABC News' George Stephanopoulos reports: Stakes are high for
Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin going into tonight's vice presidential debate
with Sen. Joe Biden, D-Dela., with the latest poll finding she has
become a drag on the Republican ticket.

Any mistake or gaffe by Palin could be fatal with a new poll finding
voters are now questioning their commitment to Republican
presidential candidate John McCain because of her.

Let me just put bluntly: It's all media crap! Honestly, it is. It's not do or die
for Palin or McCain, for that matter. They just want to hype up the debate.

Let's play out the worst scenario. Let's say that she is a disaster tonight,
which I don't think she will be. (I've seen video of her debates while running
for Governor of Alaska, she did very well.) Let's say she blanks like she did in the
Katie Couric interview. All McCain has to do remind people that he's running
for President and not Palin. Turn the focus back on him. Eventually the press
will need to drop the Palin stuff because it would get old and they have a short
attention span. There is absolutely no need for Palin to be in the headlines two
weeks from now. The VP debate will be done and over. If the press still has
Palin as top news two weeks from now then it just more evidence how they are
advocating for Sen. Obama. People would get the sense that the press is out to
destroy Sen. McCain and really aren't concerned about the Palin's "experience"
and "qualifications" because they wouldn't be obsessing over it for a month and it
will backfire.

Team McCain also helped themselves today by noting that plenty of gaffes have
been made by Biden. McCain should call out the press in their double standards.
A Republican can't slip up but the Democrats can make mistakes.

Point blank: McCain needs to put bring the spotlight back on him. Doing very
well in the next two presidential debates will help that. I was very impressed with
McCain's last debate performance so I'm sure he will he'll do well in the next two.

Just a reminder to the media: You don't get to declare an election over. The American
people decide with their votes who the winners and losers are in November. You
don't get to pull the lever for me, although I know you would like to.

The Associated Press Running Late Night Comics ' Jokes as News


Prediction: 2008 is the year that mainstream media loses
whatever credibility they have left. You better hope, MSM,
that a Obama presidency is worth because you guys are quickly
going down the tubes.