Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Matt Damon Terrified That Palin Might Become VP

Heh. Matt Damon is funny. He is scared that Palin is the Republican Vice-President
nominee because he "doesn't know anything about her." Mr. Damon, have you taken
some time out of your busy Hollywood lifestyle to think about why you didn't know
a single thing about her until a week and a half ago? Perhaps, it's because she is a
rising star in the Republican Party, who is extremely popular in her state, and the
news media didn't want you to know about her until McCain selected her and they
were blind-sighted. How come everyone in the conservative blogosphere were familiar
with Palin except our mainstream media? I had even written about her in my little
ol' blog before she was nominated. And honestly how much did the American people
know about Sen. Obama until January, when he started winning? Mr. Damon, are
you telling me you were a Clinton supporter back in January?

Mr. Hollywood perhaps you should visit "really small" towns everyone once in
a while and you wouldn't be a complete snob. And when did Matt Damon become
a freaking a doctor? He said, "There's a 1 out 3 chance he'll survive," where did
he get this number? He doesn't even play a doctor in T.V.

Matt Damon do me two favors: Shut up and don't make anymore movies.