Showing posts with label Hollywood. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hollywood. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Gender Equality

At a U.N. event promoting gender equality some had their priorities
straight. From the AP:
"Our goal must be clear," the U.N. chief said. "No tolerance of the
use of rape as a weapon of war. No excuses for domestic violence.
No looking the other way when it comes to sex trafficking, so-called
`honor killings' or female genital mutilation."
Some didn't have their priorities straight, like actress Geena Davis:

"At the dawn of a new millennium — in a world that is over 50
percent female — the message the media sends is that women
and girls have far less value than men and boys," she said.

Davis said research shows that there are three male characters
for every female character across all film ratings and that the
vast majority of female characters "are stereotyped and

Correct me if I'm wrong.....but hasn't Geena Davis played some
"hyper-sexualized" characters herself?

Monday, February 22, 2010

Breaking News: The Academy Awards Are All Politics

Here is James Cameron claiming that he might lose the Oscar to
a female director because she's a female. Geez, what happened to
giving awards to the more talented person?

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Sarah Silverman: Getting Married Right Now Is Like Joining a Racist Country Club


Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Hollywood Just Doesn't Get It

Pure fiction. I've always thought the most compelling episodes of these
crime television shows are the one's that have realistic story lines,
"straight from the headlines." But in Hollywood its Christians that are
doing the suicide bombing. Sigh.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Streisand at the White House

Why does the White House feel the need to invite Hollywood actors and actresses
to the White House and award them? It's not like the Hollywood crowd doesn't
award themselves enough. Barbra Streisand and Morgan Freeman already
have Academy Awards, do really need another award from the White House?
First, I think the White House has better things to do. (Sixty-seven years ago
Pearl Harbor was bombed
. Perhaps, something honoring WWII vets would be
better?) Secondly, how about honoring little known artists whose work actually
helps their community or something? Maybe someone who would have
appreciated the award:

Does Streisand wish President-elect Barack Obama was hosting

"That would have been lovely," she said with a laugh, "or Clinton."

Another quote the AP article:

WASHINGTON – Barbra Streisand is visiting the White House on
Sunday but says she'll play nice. "Art," she says, "transcends politics
this weekend."

So Barbra Streisand, who is always blabbing about politics in interviews and
on her Web site (look at her blog roll), decides to shut up when she is face to
face with the actual politicians she despises.Interesting. Maybe President
Bush should have invited Natalie Mains from the Dixie Chicks to White House
and perhaps she would have shut up and actually sang something.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Matt Damon Terrified That Palin Might Become VP

Heh. Matt Damon is funny. He is scared that Palin is the Republican Vice-President
nominee because he "doesn't know anything about her." Mr. Damon, have you taken
some time out of your busy Hollywood lifestyle to think about why you didn't know
a single thing about her until a week and a half ago? Perhaps, it's because she is a
rising star in the Republican Party, who is extremely popular in her state, and the
news media didn't want you to know about her until McCain selected her and they
were blind-sighted. How come everyone in the conservative blogosphere were familiar
with Palin except our mainstream media? I had even written about her in my little
ol' blog before she was nominated. And honestly how much did the American people
know about Sen. Obama until January, when he started winning? Mr. Damon, are
you telling me you were a Clinton supporter back in January?

Mr. Hollywood perhaps you should visit "really small" towns everyone once in
a while and you wouldn't be a complete snob. And when did Matt Damon become
a freaking a doctor? He said, "There's a 1 out 3 chance he'll survive," where did
he get this number? He doesn't even play a doctor in T.V.

Matt Damon do me two favors: Shut up and don't make anymore movies.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Hollywood Imperialists

This is just a thought I had today while I was reading this column and I wanted
to throw it out there:

You know how Hollywood makes movies criticizing America's supposed
Military-industrial complex
. For example, the movie 'Iron Man.' Also, Hollywood
actors like to tell us how to vote. I have another term that academics like to throw
around: Cultural Imperialism. Funny how Hollywood elites are so eager to criticize
American foreign policy but seem to overlook their own "imperialism." A quote
from this article:

In the contemporary world, Hollywood, CNN and Disneyland are
more influential than the Vatican, the Bibe or the public relations
rhetoric of political figures. Cultural penetration is closely linked
to politico-military domination and economic exploitation

That's right! Hollywood you are bunch of imperialists!

Exit question: Do you think we will ever hear George Clooney talk about
cultural imperialism?

Friday, August 15, 2008

Good News: Democratic National Convetion to be Celebrified

All the cool people will be attending. But always remember who will be
the biggest celebrity there: Barack Obama. Have you donated yet to
have a chance to go backstage to meet Barack?:

Thursday, May 29, 2008


Susan Sarandon, if you are going to threaten to leave the country because
your guy lost the election: Do me a favor and keep your word! Here's what
she said:

"If McCain gets in, it's going to be very, very dangerous," she says.

"It's a critical time, but I have faith in the American people. If they
prove me wrong, I'll be checking out a move to Italy. Maybe Canada,
I don't know. We're at an abyss."

I hope you enjoy your sub-standard socialized health care. I'm sure the long
waits will be fun. The high taxes won't make difference for you because your
extra rich from the money working in America has made you.

Also, do you realize the rantings of those you in Hollywood actually hurt

Friday, May 16, 2008

Moore: Our Biggest Enemy is Internal

Michael Moore is still at it:

While Moore said the new film would go beyond Bush, he dropped
strong hints that the president would remain in his sights.

"Our biggest enemy that we should have been afraid of during these
last eight years was perhaps an internal one, and I don't mean
ourselves," Moore said. "I mean people that were up to absolutely no
good when it came to what was best for this country and best for the

He's an embarrassment to movie making. I'm apologize. This man is not a film
maker: He's deals in socialist propaganda. I think Hollywood in the years following
after September 11th has been a complete embarrassment to our country. They
are shameful. There are so many heroic stories from our soldiers coming home from
Afghanistan and Iraq and do you think these Hollywood types would even consider
telling one of those stories on the big screen? I wouldn't hold my breathe.

I think good stories have a way of depicting good and evil. Hollywood has lost out to
moral relativity. Therefore, they can no longer tell stories about war. It is also why
very few watched "Stop-Loss," "Lions for Lambs," "Rendition," and all those other

I give Hollywood a big fat "F" for the way they have conducted themselves
during war time:

Thursday, February 28, 2008

The Nation-Builders

Our foreign policy has changed so much under the Bush administration that I forget
that nation-building use to be Democratic issue, not a Republican one. George Bush
during the 2000 debates said he was clearly against nation-building, yet that's what
we are doing in Iraq:

Then I read Angelina Jolie's piece in the Washington Post saying that we need to
stay in Iraq and I'm reminded, yes, there use to be a time when when liberals use
to be nation-builders. I know Angelina Jolie has never said she's a liberal or a
Democrat. However, I have a gut feeling she probably agrees with most liberal
positions, from social to economic, except for the issue of staying in Iraq.

Here's a portion of what Ms. Jolie writes:

What we cannot afford, in my view, is to squander the progress that
has been made. In fact, we should step up our financial and material
assistance. UNHCR has appealed for $261 million this year to provide
for refugees and internally displaced persons. That is not a small amount
of money -- but it is less than the U.S. spends each day to fight the war
in Iraq. I would like to call on each of the presidential candidates and
congressional leaders to announce a comprehensive refugee plan with a
specific timeline and budget as part of their Iraq strategy.

As for the question of whether the surge is working, I can only state what
I witnessed: U.N. staff and those of non-governmental organizations seem
to feel they have the right set of circumstances to attempt to scale up their
programs. And when I asked the troops if they wanted to go home as soon
as possible, they said that they miss home but feel invested in Iraq. They
have lost many friends and want to be a part of the humanitarian progress
they now feel is possible.

I was so surprised to read a Hollywood actress calling for us to stay in Iraq. Then,
I thought, "Wait, why should I be?" Remember, not only has Bush changed his
position from 2000 but so has the Democratic Party.

Sunday, October 28, 2007


I just finished reading an excellent piece by Mark Steyn (h/t Hotair).
In much of the article Steyn argues film makers love to make movie
with U.S. government conspiracy plot lines. Here is the killer line in the

"There’s a kind of decadence about all this: If 9/11 was really an
inside job, you wouldn’t be driving around with a bumper sticker
bragging that you were on to it. Fantasy is a by-product of security."

And just look at recent movie releases such as, "Rendition," and
"The Kingdom" where, according to this article, the United States
government is ultimately the bad guys. I think that Steyn has a point
here. If our government was the oppressive entity that Hollywood
wants you to believe then wouldn't they try to censor these movies
since they hit a little too close to the truth. So why isn't our government
doing that? Because it is total nonsense!

I also found this poll done last year that showed that young adults and
people who regularly use the internet are more likely to believe in 9/11
conspiracy theories. This is not a coincidence. Young adults are saturated
with media (films, television, and internet), thus, more likely to believe
the whole "our government conspires against us" messages sent from
these films. Also, since young people are so media saturated and since
most Americans viewed 9/11 from our television sets, they were not able
to separate the real life and tragic events from that day from other media
events. I recently listened to this interview with a 9/11 truther and when
the interviewer asked him what made him change his mind about 9/11 he
didn't give any secretive, yet, tangible evidence only he had like in in the
movies. What was his whole for reason for believing 9/11 was an inside job?
A movie he saw, Loose Change. Yes, a movie! But movies are just movies,
right? They have no influence on people whatsoever.

Instead, of trying to unite Americans in undertaking such a massive
endeavor that is fighting terrorism what are movie studios giving us?
Paranoid and negative images of our government. This from the guys that
often tell us that things are not black and white or good or evil. There's
shades of gray. Well, not when it comes to America. The United States
government is always bad and is always trying to cover up something.
Enough of the anti-establishment rhetoric, Hollywood, we ain't buying it.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Pray for Hollywood

I don't think that a little prayer can hurt. Entertainment
media is the number one American export so it wouldn't
hurt if we prayed for what is going in that particular business.
Here is the Web site for more information. I subscribed to their

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Role model

A Fox News article discusses the consequences of the
"sexualization of girls." Researchers found a "Girls Gone Wild"
effect on young girls who post nude photos of themselves online.
Here are the mental health issues mentioned in the article
that this oversexualization can lead to:

Cognitive and Emotional Consequences
: Sexualization and
objectification undermine a person’s confidence in and comfort
with her own body, leading to emotional and self-image problems,
such as shame and anxiety.
Mental and Physical Health: Research links sexualization with
three of the most common mental health problems diagnosed in girls
and women—eating disorders, low self-esteem, and depression or
depressed mood.
Sexual Development: Research suggests that the sexualization
of girls has negative consequences on girls’ ability to develop a healthy
sexual self-image.

It is disturbing that so many females think that the only value they
have is their outward appearance. As a young woman I've always
gone against this trend. I want to be a woman of substance.
When I talk about the issues of our day I want people to listen to
what I have to say. Women throughout history and even today have
suffered too long and hard to get our voices heard. I don't want to undo
the all the work that has been done and be reduced to such superficiality.

The article also talks about bad role models like Paris Hilton and Britney
Spears. I'm the same age as Britney Spears. I remember when she
first came out with her first video. Back then I never (I guess I was
too young) thought of the possible consequences of young girls dressing
provocatively at such a young age. When your 16, you don't think 16 is all
that young. You think you are an adult and want to dress cool. With what
this article is saying I don't think it is unfair to speculate that perhaps Spears's
recent and very public mental breakdowns are related to her sexy persona
at such a young age.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Soulless Eyes

I try not to write too much about celebrities
because I think it is all gossipy and superficial.
But I do see a dangerous trend and I want to
address it.

Party girls Paris Hilton, Britney Spears, and
Lindsay Lohan have all recently been in trouble.
Paris is set to go to jail for a DUI and then evading
her probation, Lindsay crashed her car and
drugs were found in the wreck and now is in rehab,
Britney just got out of rehab.

Hollywood has always sold the public a party lifestyle.
The lifestyle of drinking all night, casual sex, and club
hopping. But now it has come back to haunt them.
They are seeing their talent (I use the term loosely)
self-destruct before their very own eyes. And if you
think self-destruct is too harsh of a word I give you
one name- Ann Nicole Smith.

I guess what makes the recent cases unique is because
now it is females who are partying hard. I believe they have
bought into the "Sex and the City" lie. Females should
smoke like the boys do, drink like the boys do, and have
casual sex just like the boys. But they forgot to mention
one crucial thing, the partying bachelor is probably
one of the most unhappiness, loneliness beings on Earth.
The smile on the person in the alcohol ad is huge lie.

When you see images of these girls' eyes they are vacant and most
importantly they are soulless. They have a void, an emptiness
that can only be filled by God. These party girls have wealth,
fame, and can party all night but there is still something missing
in their lives.

I wish all these celebrities the best in their struggles and I hope
they find their souls again. But most importantly I wish the
best for the girls' in the general viewing audience that have also
bought into the lie but don't have a fancy rehab facility in Malibu
to go to.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Paris reads the Bible

Paris Hilton was recently spotted
buying a Bible. I wonder how she
interprets Genesis 1; figuratively
or literally. I'm just kidding.
How many of you think she'll read
past "In the beginning God created.."?

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Why We Watch

I read this interview with 'Arrested Development'
actor Tony Hale, who is graduate of the same
Christian grad school I went to. He talks
somewhat about being a Christian in the
entertainment business. I am always interested
in these types of interviews because I imagine
it is difficult for someone of faith to be in a business
that often portrays sin graphically. Where does an
actor draw a line on what is appropriate to play and
what is not?

I am a creative type. When I was younger I often considered
a career in acting and I even majored in Communication
with an emphasis on media studies in college. But this very
issue has made me content that I never full heartily pursued
this path. Do not misinterpret me. I am not one of those people
that call all of Hollywood as immoral. Hey, I'm still a
television addict till this day.

As a business I believe the entertainment sector
needs to assess why they have to have sex, violence,
and even drug use in their plots to tell a compelling story.
And as a society we need to evaluate why we continually watch.

Another interesting topic brought up in the interview
was consumerism in the Church. You know the whole Christian
t-shirt, book, music, ect. It find it isolating. I feel that now some
pastor's get into ministry for that Rick Warren book deal.
Here is what Hale said:

Yes. Consumerism comes from our fear. We’re afraid
that we’re going to have to have questions or make
sacrifices for Christ. Weird and ironic as this is: it’s in
the challenges and the things I fear the most, where my
faith is most strengthened. Faith doesn’t come in a Hallmark
package. On the other hand, when we try to create Utopia,
like many cultures do, Christian cultures included, when we
try to create Pleasantville, that’s when we’re going to hit a
brick wall. And it’s not going to be pretty.

Ok, I'm going to go watch Kill Bill now... just kidding.

Thursday, March 1, 2007

Hollywood director finds Jesus

I hope you didn't think I meant that a
Hollywood weirdo actually stepped into a church.
Because we all know that would never happen.
James Cameron, director of 'Titanic,' claims in a new
documentary that the tomb of Jesus, Mary Magdalene
and their son Judah was uncovered in 1980.
I think I'm going to take Cameron's word on this one
and abandon all my religious beliefs.
After all, he was right on in telling the true life story of
Jack and Rose and the sinking of the Titanic.
I know because I was there.

Saturday, December 2, 2006

Droopy Eyes: Sexy or Not?

This is something I've been wondering about;
don't ask me why. Are droopy eyes
attractive or not?
Some people actually find droopy eyes
attractive. For example, the droopy eyed
celebs pictured below make the covers of
magazines and Tom Cruise jumped on
a couch for a slanted eyed girl.

But then I've heard some peop
le say they
make you look tired and so on.
I have the droopy eyes thing going on
and I have
been often asked, "Are you ok, you look
I then answer, "No, I'm not tired."
I proceed to slap the person across the face with all 115 lbs.
of me.

Monday, May 22, 2006

Madonna wants attention

Read this.
She is pathetic!
I don't know of anyone
who is more of a media
hog than Madonna.