Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Childlessness: A Theory About Young Adults and Depresssion

Today I developed a theory of why so many young adults are
experiencing depression and it ran through my head while I logged
onto my YouTube account. Let me explain. I logged into my
YouTube account and checked my subscriptions and there was
a video from a 20-something YouTuber explaining why she hadn't
been uploading and how she has having mental health issues.
This is becoming a frequent occurrence in my YouTube
subscription box and they are mostly done by 20 or 30-somethings.
Another thing that connects them is they're young and childless.

This got me to thinking about our society at large. The birth rate for
young women has dramatically dropped in the past decade. To put
it simply: Less people are having babies. They're childless like these
depressed young women on YouTube.

If there is anyone that should be happy you would think it
would be a wealthy young YouTuber? Right. They make good
money for meaningless work (which might also be contributing
to depression but I will save that for another blog). They're
young. No children. No responsibilities. Lots of free time.
That's what our society tells us we should strive for. But yet
they're completely miserable!

As I've read the Bible I've noticed how it talks a lot of living a life

of service.  Mark 10:45 says,  "If anyone would be first, he must
be last of all and servant of all.” But that's not what current American
society teaches. We want to be served and catered to! Parenting,
however, is not about you but raising and taking care of someone
else and so many young adults are opting out of it or at least
waiting till later in life.

I also believe that serving others helps with depression. When
the focus is off oneself it's much easier to have a clear
perceptive on life. Serving and caring for others is a key to 
long-lasting happiness. But we now have a young adult generation
who have forgone getting married and having children. And
what's the result? They're making videos on YouTube about 
depressed they're.

Serve others and find meaning. Children have a wonderful way
of  bringing meaning to one's life.  The first line in Pastor Rick
Warren's book "Purpose Driven Life" is: It's not about you.