Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Headlines 05/09/2007

I know it still early in the 2008 Prez
election but there is a whole lot of news about it.

Republican Giuliani still pro-choice- "I hate abortion. I would
encourage someone to not take that option," the former mayor
said last week during the first GOP presidential debate. "But
ultimately, since it is an issue of conscience, I would respect
a woman's right to make a different choice."
Clinton ahead of Obama in polls- Senator Clinton has a 15
percentage point lead over Senator Obama. Well, the election
is still far off so we will see what happens.
Iraqi Christian Minority Flee- Three percent of the population
in Iraq are Christian.
Hamas Mickey Mouse- This is truly scary. Such a young age
to be propagandized.
TV Finales- So summer is right around the corner and you know what
that means...T.V. airs it's season finales. What am I going to do with
my pale T.V. watching self? Go outside? Yeah Right! No more
Dr. McCreepy or Dr. McDreamy till fall.
LaKisha or Blake?- American Idol is down to the final four and one
leaves tonight. Last night performances were not so good.
My guess is either Blake or LaKisha is leaving. They are both

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