Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Hillary Clinton Campaigns in S. Texas

Today I had the opportunity to attend a Hillary Clinton campaign event.
It was enlightening. I think after witnessing the thousands of people who
attended in my community I think it's safe to say my political ideology is
part of the minority in my region. That's ok with me.

After Barack Obama's sweeping wins this weekend and yesterday, Hillary
needs a landslide win. If what I saw here today in the Corpus Christi area
is indicative of the rest of Texas, I think she might just get her much needed
blow out victory here in the Lone Star State. The lines of people were long
and enthused with a sense of history in the making.

I wasn't able to get into the convention center where she was actually speaking
but I was part the overflow crowd who listened to her stump speech in an auxiliary
hall room through loud speakers. It was odd listening to her through speakers.
She was introduced and endorsed by local politician Congressman Solomon Ortiz.
I was able to get video footage of her passing through the hall room and shaking
a few people's hands. Here's some video footage I took to show the size of the
crowd and added the song Working 9 to 5 by Dolly Parton because that
was one of the songs they played before she took the stage:


Anonymous said...

Start listening to the content of Obama's speeches v Hillary. Obama wants people to help themselves. Hillary wants to give people everything like Christmas presents.

Anonymous said...

I relish the thought of Hillary creating a fake South west accent "Podner" Or will she learn how to say -weve come too fah in Spanish?

American Horse said...

Someone please throw a bucket of water on this witch and let America be rid of the Clintons once and for all.



Anonymous said...

"Start listening to the content of Obama's speeches v Hillary. Obama wants people to help themselves. Hillary wants to give people everything like Christmas presents."

You obviously have not been listening too closely to Mr. Obama either. They both have the same metality of determining who has too much and how they will take it away from them. The arrogance and audacity to claim the right to determine who has too much of anything and forcibly taking it away is stunning.

Anonymous said...

Now Yall listen up to what this-cheer little lady has to say, acause it wouldn't be no kind of nice or would it show any good southern Texas manners, if we was to run her out of Texas afore she finnished what she uz sayin..