Showing posts with label video. Show all posts
Showing posts with label video. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Tik Tok

Just having a little bit of fun with my new web
cam and doing some dancing:

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Behind the Scenes of Saturday Night Live

This is how the writers at Saturday Night Live come up with their
political skits:

Friday, September 19, 2008

The Crowd Says It All

If one is ever curious which demographic the Obama campaign thinks
it's struggling with just look behind him at a rally. Remember when
Hillary was going to take Pennsylvania and Obama had those three Abercrombie
and Fitch
guys behind him during his speech and some felt it was an attempt
to reach the so-called "white, working class voters." While watching a
Obama speech today on television, I noticed one particular demographic
stood out. Let's play can you spot demographic Obama needs to gain ground

Don't get me wrong I think Sen. Obama will take the women vote. However,
the thing is that for Democrats women are a demographic they not only need
to do well with but they need an overwhelming majority to win elections.
So it's no surprise Camp Obama is going to do everything they can to appeal
to women.

A commenter points out that Obama held a women's rally today. So this is probably
it. However, it doesn't change the fact that the Obama campaign obviously feels
the need to reach out to women voters.

Saturday, May 3, 2008


Went to a baseball game today, mascots are funny:

Monday, March 3, 2008

Bill Clinton in Corpus Christi, Gives 5 Minute Speech

So I woke up at 5 a.m. to make sure I made it on time to see Bill
Clinton speak to a bunch of Hillary supporters downtown. He ended
up speaking for only 5 minutes.

Well, here's the video. Warning the camera is very shaky, people
were getting in my view so I was constantly moving. I also stopped
recording a couple of times so I can get a better view.

Here's what I got.... if you notice in the very beginning it looks like he's
mouthing something to himself or Congressman Ortiz:

Friday, February 22, 2008

Passing out the signs at the Obama rally

I had front row access today at a Sen. Obama's rally today here in
Corpus Christi, TX. I was even able to shake the senator's hand and
say "hi." I think we all know by now that everything in politics is staged.
I recorded someone from the Obama campaign passing out signs
made by the campaign that looked homemade for people to hold up.
I thought it was interesting how the process works. When someone
from the campaign was coming toward my direction with a sign that
said "Tejanos for Obama," I held to my camcorder tightly because
I didn't want to be holding a sign just because I'm Hispanic.

Here's the video of them passing out the signs to the people:

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Abortion Debate Gets Heated at Hillary Event

I spent hours waiting in line this afternoon to get into the Hillary Clinton campaign
This was the most exciting part of my waiting:

Here's the card the priest featured in the video handed to me:

I think the most disturbing part of my day was when walking
to get back in line after this heated exchange I heard someone
say as I was passing by, "Priests are just a bunch of child molesters. "
Yep, that was my controversial day.

Hillary Clinton Campaigns in S. Texas

Today I had the opportunity to attend a Hillary Clinton campaign event.
It was enlightening. I think after witnessing the thousands of people who
attended in my community I think it's safe to say my political ideology is
part of the minority in my region. That's ok with me.

After Barack Obama's sweeping wins this weekend and yesterday, Hillary
needs a landslide win. If what I saw here today in the Corpus Christi area
is indicative of the rest of Texas, I think she might just get her much needed
blow out victory here in the Lone Star State. The lines of people were long
and enthused with a sense of history in the making.

I wasn't able to get into the convention center where she was actually speaking
but I was part the overflow crowd who listened to her stump speech in an auxiliary
hall room through loud speakers. It was odd listening to her through speakers.
She was introduced and endorsed by local politician Congressman Solomon Ortiz.
I was able to get video footage of her passing through the hall room and shaking
a few people's hands. Here's some video footage I took to show the size of the
crowd and added the song Working 9 to 5 by Dolly Parton because that
was one of the songs they played before she took the stage:

Friday, November 30, 2007

Can You Spot the Plant?

Can you spot the plant?

Thursday, October 18, 2007

My submissions

I found out about this neat opportunity to ask the
presidential candidates questions yesterday. So today
I submitted my questions. Here is the first one:

Here is my second question:

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Handle Me

Dancing to 'Handle Me' by Robyn.

Friday, September 21, 2007

Leave President Bush Alone!

Parody of "Leave Britney Alone!"

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Puffed up little guy

I took this video this afternoon.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

My message to Miss Teen South Carolina

Here is the video I'm referring to.

Friday, August 24, 2007

Random video

So I wanted to check out Blogger's new video
feature so I uploaded two random video clips
to see if the process is easy and simple. The first clip
is a zoom into the moon and second clip is gratuitous
video of my pet. So far so good. The only
negative I've noticed so far is no share or email
option but then again I guess you can email the
whole post.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Love Story

Just having a little weekend fun! Hope you all
don't mind.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Video: Classic Barack

A look into some memorable clips of the Junior
Senator from Illinois.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

VIDEO: The CNN/Youtube Debate Videos

In this video I take a look at the CNN/Youtube Presidential
debate questions created by Youtube users, like me! View
all debate videos here. Side note: You can also take a look
at almost all my personal videos here.

Friday, July 6, 2007


Video thumbnail. Click to play
Click To Play

I went to see a Fourth of July display
yesterday. It had been postponed because
of rain.

Dance at your desk!

The Jet Set Show asked for people to submit video of
themselves dancing at their desk. Although, I am not
at the desk in the beginning.