Showing posts with label Texas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Texas. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

California vs. Texas

Interesting. I've covered this topic before. See here or

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Keith Olbermann Slams Texans

Keith Olbermann slams Texans because of some poll saying that
38 percent of Texans believe God created human beings pretty
much in their present form about 10,000 years ago. I happen to
be in the 62 percent of Texans that don't believe God created us
a mere 10,00 years ago. I believe the Earth is much older that.
However, I think it's pretty absurd to believe humans are warming
up the Earth's climate to the point where glaciers are melting and
much of our U.S. coastal cities will be underwater in the future.
But I don't see Keith Olbermann slamming the global warming

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Saturday, January 2, 2010

Two Lefties Acknowledge The Success of Low Taxes Texas

Low taxes can work admit two liberal writers:

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Economic Civil War

Interesting read. I will note that Texas is doing pretty good during these
tough economic times. So maybe instead of disparaging the South the
writer should try to learn some economics lessons from Southerners.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Have You Ever Been To Texas, Mr. Reich?

The New Yorks Times has an interview with former U.S. secretary of labor in
the Clinton administration, Robert Reich. After reading the interview with him,
I have question for him: Has he ever been to Texas?

Here's an excerpt of the interview and then I'll explain why I have that question:

You’re a professor of public policy at Berkeley and a former
U.S. secretary
of labor in the Clinton administration — what
can you tell us about the
gas-pump crisis as we set out on the
road this July 4th weekend?
Now that gas is at $4 a gallon, people
are deserting their cars for trains and buses and, where available, light
rail. We haven’t seen a transition on this scale away from cars ever before.

But you can’t take light rail to most backyard picnics in America.
No, public transit has been the poor stepchild of infrastructure spending
in America. We’ve poured tens of billions into an Interstate highway system
and our state road system; in effect we have subsidized the automobile.

Reich is gleeful that people are getting away from their cars. The reporter is basically
telling him light rail has its limits and he doesn't seem to get it. His argument is that
we haven't spent enough money on it.

The reason I asked has he ever been to Texas because it's a perfect example where
public transportation wouldn't meet the needs of people living outside the major cities.
My state has a lot of rural areas and what are they supposed to with fuel pricing at $4
a gallon? They need their vehicles to travel long distances because their small towns
don't have all the services, for example doctors, available to them. My point is that it
won't work in all of the state.

Public transportation probably works just fine in the Northeast portion of America
but that's because it's a big metropolis. I'm sure light rail works beautifully in much
of Western Europe but, again, they live in a metro area. However, much of America
is not like the Northeast or Europe.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Funny or Not?

This girl made into this year's Last Comic Standing:

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Yeah, I know this post isn't about politics. But it's about Texas. I love Texas.
I love stand-up comedy. I wish comedians would make more jokes about
liberals. Keith Olberman believes Scott McClellan's book is going to be a
"primary document in history." I literary laughed out loud when I heard
him say that. Now that's funny. Why doesn't Jon Stewart joke about that?

It's going to be nice when President Bush leaves and finally the late night comics
will stop making "Ha! Ha! Bush is dumb jokes." Those jokes are really old now. If
McCain wins we'll probably hear a lot jokes about how old he is. I don't know what
kind of jokes Obama will get. His ears are really big. That would be funny. I don't
think you can make jokes about the liberal messiah? He's untouchable. He's going
to make the "rise of the ocean slow." Ok, now this post is about politics.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Census: Hey, Let's Move to Texas

I guess Americans are beginning to realize what a jewel the state of Texas
DALLAS - Four Texas metropolitan areas were among the biggest
population gainers as Americans continued their trend of moving to
the Sun Belt in 2006 and 2007, according to Census Bureau estimates
to be released Thursday.

Dallas-Fort Worth added more than 162,000 residents between July
2006 and July 2007, more than any other metro area. Three other
Texas areas — Houston, Austin and San Antonio — also cracked the
top 10.
We have nice warm weather throughout the year, wide open spaces and low taxes.
What's not to love? Oh yeah, did I also mention we have beaches:

The AP article identifies another reason why people are moving The Lone
Star State:
Ann Sekesan, a pharmacy technician, moved her family from
Pennsylvania to suburban Fort Worth last June after seeing
spacious homes in Texas for under $200,000 on a television

"After we saw that on TV, my husband and I looked at each
other and said, 'Have you ever been to Texas?" Sekesan said.
"It's amazing the size of a home you can get down here. It's just
One down side: The drive to get from one Texas city to another is long.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Obama Rally in Corpus Christi

The portion of the Obama rally held yesterday in Corpus Christi that is
getting much attention locally is the reaction of the crowd when he
promised to end the war in Iraq . As the Caller Times is reporting it did
draw a huge applause. However, what is not mentioned in the article there
was one person who started booing loudly when Sen. Obama talked about
Iraq. Also, there was at least one protester (from what I saw) outside the
rally holding up a sign that read, "Have We Forgotten 9/11?" One person
booing and one person holding a sign is hardly a protest but I thought
I would note it.

I recorded most of the speech. I didn't get the booing. However, I did
get the thunderous applause. Here it is snipped for brevity:

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Primary-Caucus State

A few hours ago I received a robocall from the Obama campaign asking for
support in local caucuses. I thought it was a mistake. Apparently, I was wrong
Texas has a primary-caucus system, according to this article. The Waco
Tribune-Herald piece explains how it's set up:
Of the state's 228 Democratic presidential delegates, 126 will be
awarded based on voting in the March 4 primary. But most of the
remaining 102 are allocated in a caucus system leading up to the
state convention in June, making Texas the only state with a twin
primary-caucus system.

Those delegates are allotted by a candidate's performance in each
of the state's 31 state senate districts. Each district gets delegates
based on Democratic turnout in past elections.
As we know Sen. Obama has been doing very well in caucus systems in other
states. However, I don't know how many will want to caucus for hours if they
can just vote in the primary at their convenience. This election has been so

I also wanted to show my readers the campaign literature the Obama
campaign has been passing out here in Texas. Here's the front:

Here's half of the inside:

Oh, also the date and place has been set for the Texas Democratic Presidential
debate. Bring your cowboy boots, ya'll!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Abortion Debate Gets Heated at Hillary Event

I spent hours waiting in line this afternoon to get into the Hillary Clinton campaign
This was the most exciting part of my waiting:

Here's the card the priest featured in the video handed to me:

I think the most disturbing part of my day was when walking
to get back in line after this heated exchange I heard someone
say as I was passing by, "Priests are just a bunch of child molesters. "
Yep, that was my controversial day.

Hillary Clinton Campaigns in S. Texas

Today I had the opportunity to attend a Hillary Clinton campaign event.
It was enlightening. I think after witnessing the thousands of people who
attended in my community I think it's safe to say my political ideology is
part of the minority in my region. That's ok with me.

After Barack Obama's sweeping wins this weekend and yesterday, Hillary
needs a landslide win. If what I saw here today in the Corpus Christi area
is indicative of the rest of Texas, I think she might just get her much needed
blow out victory here in the Lone Star State. The lines of people were long
and enthused with a sense of history in the making.

I wasn't able to get into the convention center where she was actually speaking
but I was part the overflow crowd who listened to her stump speech in an auxiliary
hall room through loud speakers. It was odd listening to her through speakers.
She was introduced and endorsed by local politician Congressman Solomon Ortiz.
I was able to get video footage of her passing through the hall room and shaking
a few people's hands. Here's some video footage I took to show the size of the
crowd and added the song Working 9 to 5 by Dolly Parton because that
was one of the songs they played before she took the stage:

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Headlines 08/30/2007

Texas governor spares getaway driver (AP)- "Gov. Rick Perry, longtime
head of the nation's busiest death penalty state, spared an inmate
Thursday hours before he was to have been executed for being a
killer's getaway driver."
Boston: The bloggiest city- 'Dem New Englanders and their fancy internet
connections and colleges. And is blogging the best thing to happen to
Philadelphia since the song 'Motownphilly' (just thought I would insert random
You're a big kid now- Very interesting interview. I agree with her assessment.
I'm one of those adults who is still trying to 'find themselves,' I just need to
grow up already! I'm getting there:)
Web video aims to be like TV- I've always thought those Youtubers and
video bloggers just wanted a way to get their faces on television. So they've
decided, "Hey, let's just make the internet like television instead." Hence, the
word 'broadcast' on Youtube's slogan.

You've been spun

Check out this creepy crawly story.
I'm gonna start watching out for the spiders
around here in Texas because I think they
want to take over the state. I won't let them!

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Sodden Texas

Click photo for attribution

This summer in South Texas has been wet.
Now tropical storm Erin has moved into the
Gulf of Mexico.

This morning I took a picture of a local park
that is usually brown and dry this time of year.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Teenage pregnancy highest in Texas

I've talked about this issue before so I will make
the post short. Today I found this AP article stating
that Texas had the nation's highest birth rate among
teenagers ages 15 to 19 in 2004. Many will be quick to
blame the abstinence focused sex education in public
schools in Texas. This is such a multi-faceted problem
and I don't think one can believe that sex education is
the all purpose solution.

According to the study, Hispanic teens are more than
3 1/2 times as likely as Anglos to have a baby. I hate to
speculate why this is but it does open up the question
of perhaps some cultural and regional (yes, you Texas!)
underpinnings to the problem.

Recently, I completed my higher education (went to college
and graduate school) and I'm trying to find myself a good job.
I'm 25 years and must admit I'm having trouble adjusting to
the 'real world.' I can not imagine including the responsibility
of another human being on top of the normal life learning
experiences you undergo in the teenage years and early
twenties. It is stressful just thinking about it.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

My Inner Urbanite

I've lived in the Lone Star State almost all my life (I lived in
Virginia for two years). I love Texas! What is not to love?
It has nice people, fattening food, warm weather, wide open
spaces, low cost of living (in most places), all types of terrains,
and a church in almost every street corner. Living here is a
political conservative's (like me) dream.

However, I must admit since childhood I've fantasized of being
(dare I say it)..... a New York City urbanite! I guess television and
movies have made me idealize the city life. The skyscrapers,
trendy clothes, crowded streets, and ethnic diversity has always
appealed to me. Oh, and it would nice not having to drive and catch
a cab every once in a while. I'm hoping that one day I will finally stop
talking about moving to NYC and actually do it! Lately I've been even
more anxious to make the move since NYC is the mecca of the publishing
world and broadcast journalism.

I know my yearning is probably a case of 'the grass is greener on the other
side' syndrome. Although, New York City is known more for miles of
concrete than grass; I digress. I would at least like to experience
the city life even for a short time. Ironically, Los Angeles has never really
caught my attention even though it too is a media and entertainment hot
spot. Perhaps it is because I already live in a warm climate.

Exit questions: What do you like and dislike about where you live?
there a place you've been itching to move to?

Thursday, June 14, 2007

More from Lakeview


Lakeview Park

It is actually a pond.

Mohawk Duck