Showing posts with label Colbert. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Colbert. Show all posts

Monday, March 1, 2010

The Dems and Truthiness

Remember truthiness? Well it has been four years since the word
was created and it still applies. Take for example the Obama
administration and the Democrats. The Democrats are all about
shooting from the gut. Who cares about the facts and figures
about their health care bill or how much the Democrats' health care
will cost? Who cares if the public doesn't support it! Doesn't it feel
to say you're going to insure everyone! I mean who wants
to wear a dead persons' dentures? No one!

The Dems tell us that they can preserve the quality of health care
and contain costs. Never mind that has never been done in the
history of the planet. Doesn't it feel good to say everything is going
to say the same while saying everything is going to change?

Or take global warming. If you think about global warming sure it
seems ridiculous to believe we're all going to die from melting glaciers.
But doesn't it to feel good in your gut to recycle or drive a hybrid
car. It makes you feel like your saving planet Earth, eventhough you
actually aren't. It also means that the folks in Hollywood are actually
caring people.

The queen of truthiness is Speaker Nancy Pelosi. She believes her
Congress is the most ethical one in history
. Sure there have been
scandals involving Charlie Rangel and Barney Frank but doesn't
calling your Congress the most ethical ever have a certain truthiness
to it? Pelosi also thinks she shares some the views of the Tea Party
activists. Never mind that Pelosi is a big government liberal and
the Tea Partiers are for limited government and fiscal restraint.
I'm sure there is some truthiness to the fact she shares some of
their values. The actual definition of bipartisanship is something
that gathers support by both parties
but not when look at it
with truthiness. According to Pelosi a bill doesn't need to be
supported by both sides of the aisle to be partisanship. The woman
speaks from her gut.

Truthiness still exists! And don't look that up in a book.

The Colbert ReportMon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
The Word - Truthiness
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Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Stephen Colbert Jokes John McCain 'Seems Mentally Challenged'

The guest on Tuesday's episode of "The Colbert Report" was Will Smith,
who had already expressed support for Barack Obama on "The Today Show"
earlier this week. Colbert joked that perhaps he wants Obama to win so he
can play him in a movie. The fake news anchor then goes on to make a tasteless
joke about John McCain. Here's partial transcript:

STEPHEN COLBERT: As an actor wouldn't it be more of a challenge
to play John McCain for you. That would be a stretch.

WILL SMITH: That is a stretch. I can give that a shot.

STEPHEN COLBERT: That's Oscar territory because I don't know
if you've heard him give speeches, he seems mentally challenged.

WILL SMITH: Yeah. You know how far that is from Oscar territory.

Here's the video:

Friday, March 14, 2008

Obama and Hillary: Lets Play Nice

They, indeed, need to do this. If Sen. Obama and Sen. Clinton continue to go after
each other the way they have been it's going to build resentment of the other side's
supporters. I think for democracy to be successful we need two strong political
parties. As a conservative Republican, I want to see a powerful and robust opposition
party. From the AP article:

On this presidential rivals Barack Obama and HillaryRodham Clinton
can agree: They sometimes disagree with their trash-talking supporters
and will try to cool it. Advisers to the Democratic candidates shed some
light Friday on the private chat the two candidates had Thursday on the
Senate floor.

The talk lasted three or four minutes in full view of reporters watching on
the balcony above who could see them talking, but not hear what they said.

"They approached one another and spoke about how supporters for both
campaigns have said things they reject," said Clinton spokesman Phil Singer.
"They agreed that the contrasts between their respective records,
qualifications and issues should be what drives this campaign, and nothing

An Obama adviser, speaking on a condition of anonymity about the private
conversation, gave a similar account, while stressing that it was Obama who
approached Clinton on the subject. They committed to making sure that their
supporters don't get overheated in the future, the adviser said.

Colbert jokes about all the media hype of the Democratic party splitting:

Friday, November 16, 2007

Strike of fake news writers is good for real news!

Everything has an upside! So now that the writers of the "Daily Show,"
"The Tonight Show," and the like are on strike a real news show
sees their ratings rise
. Now if we only get the people who write
Entertainment Tonight and other Hollywood "news" programs maybe
we will have better informed citizens! Just kidding. Where else am I going
to find out how celebrities are going to vote next year so I can blindly

Friday, November 2, 2007

Maybe Next Time

Colbert didn't make it on the South Carolina Democratic Party
ballot. Tears.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Will the Real Stephen Colbert Please Stand-Up!

Stephen Colbert says he's a liberal parodying a conservative on his show,
"The Colbert Report," in order to mock Republicans. I don't believe him.
I think he's pretending to be a liberal acting like a conservative so his bosses
at Comedy Central will keep him on air. Admit it, Mr. Colbert, you're one
of us, aren't you? You're not acting. You really are a red stater, God fearing,
gun owning, and Bush supporting conservative.

I know these are hard times for us. Not too many people like us right now.
Also, I know if you were to tell your producer, Jon Stewart, that you are a
Republican he would probably punch you really hard and that might hurt
(or it may not). And what would Comedy Central do if they realized they had
a red stripped elephant on air? They would probably have to take you off air
and extend 'The Sarah Silverman Program' or ask Carlos Mencia to make
more 'Mind of Mencia' episodes. We all know Mencia is too lazy to steal more
jokes. Oh, and your career in comedy would absolutely be over because it's a
scientific fact that conservatives are not funny. Actually, I'm not sure if that
is a scientific fact; it just felt right in my gut.

Look at how you mocked liberals in your column today in The New York Times:

"Bad things are happening in countries you shouldn’t have to think about. It’s
all George Bush’s fault, the vice president is Satan, and God is gay.

There. Now I’ve written Frank Rich’s column too."

That's not joking around. You know your jokes have some truthiness to
them? Don't you, Mr. Colbert? Your new book should have been titled,
"I Am Republican (And So Can You)." So will the real Stephen Colbert
please stand up!

On a side note: I believe Ann Coulter is a liberal acting like a conservative so
she can embarrass the hell out of us.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Stephen Colbert on Mother Teresa's Doubts

I always think that Colbert is the funniest
when talking about religion. It seems to be
an area he is familiar with thus he can really
make it comical. Other comedians (um, like
Kathy Griffin) poke fun at religious people
without really knowing anything about them.
That's just the sense I get.

Friday, August 17, 2007

Internet hater, Keen, still hating

Andrew Keen went on The Colbert Report last night.
Keen, I'm an educated and trained journalist and blog,
so it is possible. I find it ironic that Keen himself has
a blog. Don't hate the players, hate the game (whatever
that means).

Friday, August 3, 2007

The Father of Intelligent Design Speaks

Michael Behe talks to Stephen Colbert.
What do you think of Intelligent Design?

Friday, July 27, 2007

People under 30 shouldn't have opinions

In this article by Larry Atkins, he makes a simple but
telling point about the relationship between young
people and newspapers. He writes:

If newspapers want to reach out to younger readers,
they need to include their voices.

As most of us have heard by now traditional news
outlets, for example newspapers and evening network
news programs
, are slowly losing their audience. Seems
like teens and young adults are happily trading in The
New York Times and the 'CBS Evening News' for 'The
Daily Show' and 'The Colbert Report.' Cheney is the
one that shot his friend in the face, right? Yeah, Jon
Stewart did a joke on that.

Atkins mainly focuses on the op-ed side of newspapers
and suggests that the opinion section should include young
writers. Sounds fair. He also points out that most syndicated
columnists are over 30 (as if there are no opinionated
writers in their 20s). To all newspapers: I'm available
to work and will opine for food and health insurance.

Cable and most recently the internet have revolutionized
the way we receive information. Many teenagers and young
adults really don't know a world without cable and the web so
traditional media outlets have to adjust the way they
disseminate their product. If a media outlet wants to give
an accurate and fair reflection of the the world around us
then you must include all voices, including like the youth.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Behind the Scenes of The Colbert Report

This month's issue of GQ
has an awesome picture
of Steven Colbert. Talking Points Memo
has an interesting backstage glimpse
of The Colbert Report.
View video after jump

Thursday, August 10, 2006


Last night on The Colbert Report, author Alexandra Robbins was
the guest. In her interview she says she is against standardize tests.
She also says, "American education has become a corrupt, hyper-competitve
culture with a narrow, misguided view of success."
In an earlier post I was fairly critical of our education system.
I don't think getting rid of standardize test will solve our problems
though. There needs to be some accountability in our school systems.